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True Friend (Apsara Alanghat)


Amongst the sea of unknown faces,
behind those false masks
I still seek friend .

Though it may be a futile search
But hoping that you alone
would enter the threshold of my life...

Come...true and dear friend ...
Bring sunlight into my forlorn life...
Bring me the colours of Rainbow...

Oh ! Light my dark dreary life..
And dissolve all despair into nothingness...
Bring me the candle of joy
Dispel the dark clouds of sorrow...

Share with me my prosperity..
Stand by me in adversity...
Fight with me through dangers...

Love me to the core of your heart...
Yearn for me when far apart..

When I am under blues,
Feeling low or a little run down,
Or torn apart by worries,

You will stand like a pillar
To console or to comfort
Or to murmur terms of endearment...

In all sincerity to
Help me in my hour of need..

Even after years of eternal separation,
You or I will never ever break
The immortal bond of friendship or love...

Years may pass by
But the one I seek
Amongst the array of faces,

Surely sometime, some place
I will find ...true friend ..
And my heart will overflow
With happiness and joy....!