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President Herzog of Israel Applauds President Biden During US Independence Day Festivities


July 4 :
Wednesday evening, at the first-ever American Independence Day Reception held at the Ambassador's Residence in Jerusalem, President Isaac Herzog addressed the gathering and spoke about Israel's "unique alliance with the US." He also commended President Joe Biden for his assistance following the October 7 massacre. The event took place in Tel Aviv on July 4. We are a special bond since we are both committed to and willing to fight for the same principles. According to the president, Israel has been leading the fight against extremism and terror on a global scale since October 7th.

[The Iranian] regime's tyrannical Ayatollah is being opposed by those supporting him. And we will stand firm against those who want impose their twisted, oppressive, and racist future on the world. The United States has consistently demonstrated, across party lines, that it is Israel's most reliable friend. And that we will not give up the struggle for the preservation of our lives, our principles, and our way of life, no matter how long it takes.

"Like in any family, we do not always agree on everything," according to him. And that's fine. Despite our differences, we remain deeply committed to the strong bond of friendship and alliance that binds us together in our common history and helps us pursue the critical goals of our two countries. The support and solidarity that has been an anchor of our safety and has been evident in countless ways since October 7th has been greatly appreciated by President Biden, the American government, Congress, and the American people. On behalf of the state and people of Israel, I would like to extend my deepest gratitude.

“From the very first moments, President Biden’s stance has been unequivocal,” Herzog said, praising President Biden. He took a stand, and with a single forceful statement, he proved that America stood with the world when it faced the worst examples of human depravity. He made it quite clear: Israel will have allies in its fight against its enemies. A nation in mourning found great solace in his words.
Under the leadership of an international coalition, the United States military collaborated with the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to successfully thwart Iran's devastating strike on Israeli civilians, which involved the launch of more than 300 missiles and drones. Reminding the world that standing united in defense of principles can make a difference.