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Trump pledges "large deportations" in Ohio city, claims "nests of bad people" cleared across the U.S.


Washington, DC, September 14 :
With his Republican running mate, JD Vance, spreading false rumors that Haitian immigrants devour pets, the hamlet of Springfield, Ohio, has become a political flashpoint; former president Donald Trump has pledged "large deportations" from there.

Extensive deportations will be carried out from Springfield, Ohio. We shall expel these individuals. Trump announced that they would be returned to Venezuela.

He referred to it as "an invasion from within" and said that "nests of bad people" are pouring into the nation.

In Venezuela, they emptied their prisons, their prison populations, and their nests. "Nests of bad people" is what they call them. They've all made it to the US, and they're swarming city after city. The biggest deportation in our nation's history is about to happen, and it's like an attack from within. As a first step, we will focus on Springfield and Aurora," the ex-president announced. According to CNN, the Springfield city website doesn't reveal the countries of origin of the estimated 12,000 to 15,000 immigrants living in Clark County.

Haitian immigrants are allowed to remain there through the Immigration Parole Program, according to the frequently asked questions section of the website.

During his campaign, Trump allegedly promised to deport more undocumented immigrants than any other president before or since.

In a broader discussion of immigration and the border, Trump warned that things will worsen to an unprecedented degree.

A key issue in the US is illegal immigration, which is a source of frequent partisan sniping between Democrats and Republicans. Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, has lately criticized the Democratic Party for its stance on illegal immigration and made the bold remark that the next presidential election could be the "last real election" in America if Donald Trump is unsuccessful.

The billionaire made the accusation that the Democrats are plotting to legalize 15 million illegal immigrants and bring in many more so that they may get control of the swing states and transform the United States into a "one-party state."

Virtually every Democratic Party official has made it clear that they want to expeditiously legalize the approximately fifteen million illegal immigrants and admit tens of millions more. Similar to what occurred in California with the amnesty in 1986, all swing states would instantly become deeply blue, effectively transforming America into a permanent one-party state. "If Trump loses, this will be the last real election," Musk wrote on X.

In the upcoming November 5 elections, Elon Musk has been vocal in his support of Donald Trump.

Under Musk's leadership, a new task group will be established by Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump to examine the federal government's finances and performance from top to bottom and propose significant changes.

Following Trump's announcement, Elon Musk expressed his approval, saying, "This is badly needed." If elected president, Trump has already stated in an interview that he wants Elon Musk to remain on his cabinet.