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Milan Bulchandani Presents Best Practices for Leveraging AI in Social Media Customer Interaction Strategies at NFRA 33rd Annual Conference


Milan Bulchandani, Social Media Manager at CL Support Services, shared his thought leadership and innovation expertise in an educational presentation on Social Media Customer Interaction at the National Foundation Repair Association (NFRA) 33rd Annual Conference, held July 10-12, 2024 in Frisco, Texas.

NFRA is the leading industry organization representing commercial and residential property foundation repair businesses across the United States, promoting high ethical standards and serving as liaison to government and municipalities. Globally, foundation repair is a $2.7 billion industry, forecasted to grow to $3.5 billion by 2033 due to property damage caused in part by the escalating impacts of extreme weather incidents and increasing urbanization.

In his current role with CL Support Services, a business management organization that provides expert administrative, legal, accounting, human resources, and marketing support to construction and foundation repair contractors, Mr. Bulchandani is responsible for leading the execution of advanced social media strategies that amplify brand visibility, increase customer engagement, and generate qualified leads. By leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) tools to assess performance metrics, optimize strategies, and ensure high return on investment (ROI), he plays a critical role in contributing to his organization’s operations and profitability.

Mr. Bulchandani brings more than a dozen years of specialized marketing and innovation experience to his position, which involves managing the company’s social media presence across multiple platforms and monitoring emerging social media channels to maintain a competitive advantage. He additionally oversees lead management from major internet referral platforms, ensures effective follow-up and lead conversion, spearheads online reputation management, and develops highly focused search engine optimization (SEO) written and visual content for the company’s website, to enhance the brand’s marketing campaigns, improve search rankings, and drive organic traffic.

In his NFRA presentation, Mr. Bulchandani, noting that many foundation repair businesses have yet to adopt new AI and machine learning (ML) technologies in their marketing strategies, shared his innovative techniques and best practices for using AI-powered analytics and automation tools to optimize social media strategies and lead management processes, and identify high-performing content in real-time, thereby achieving higher engagement rates and more successful campaigns.

“The integration of AI-driven insights into our campaigns allowed us to predict customer behavior, tailor content for specific audiences, and automate follow-up with leads, leading to increased engagement and improved conversion rates. Traditional techniques, such as manual tracking of metrics and reactive campaign adjustments, would require more time and effort, whereas AI tools allow for real-time strategy refinement based on ongoing performance data,” said Mr. Bulchandani.

While discussing how to create, measure, and leverage SEO-optimized content, Mr. Bulchandani also described how his use of advanced, dynamic techniques such as continuous keyword monitoring and on-page optimization has achieved outstanding measurable results for his company, including a 20% increase in organic website traffic within a six-month period.

He added, “These innovations, whether in social media optimization, lead management, or SEO, have all led to significantly better results as compared to traditional, manual approaches. With AI-powered analytical insights and automation, I have been able to achieve higher ROI, greater engagement, and a more efficient conversion process. The real-time adjustments enabled by AI and continuous SEO optimization provide an ongoing advantage that static, manual methods simply cannot deliver.”

Throughout his career, Mr. Bulchandani has gained advanced experience in sales and marketing strategies while working in diverse industries, including chemicals, telecommunications, driver safety training, and foundation repair. He previously earned recognition and awards for developing marketing campaigns targeting key sectors, streamlining product awareness strategies, driving sales growth, developing sales pipelines, expanding market penetration, implementing training programs, and improving consumer behavior.

Mr. Bulchandani, who resides in Houston, Texas (US) was born and raised in India, where he received a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Saurashtra University in 2007, and a Master of Business Administration degree from Gujarat Technological University in 2011. Recognizing the potential of accelerating AI tools in the marketplace, he furthered his academic background with professional development courses, earning advanced certifications in digital marketing, e-commerce, social media marketing, and SEO from Google, Meta, HubSpot and other technology platform leaders.

Beyond using AI to measure the best-performing content, Mr. Bulchandani has been particularly successful in using innovative tools to identify potential customer behavior patterns across all platforms. He uses this data to proactively target audience segments with personalized content, increasing interaction and customer satisfaction, which in turn drives better results. This approach differs significantly from the manual, time-consuming processes that others in his field are still using to analyze campaign data retroactively, which delays strategy shifts and results in less efficient use of resources.

Mr. Bulchandani believes that his proactive, holistic, and data-driven approach is what distinguishes him from others in his field. He notes that while many digital marketing professionals tend to focus on isolated aspects of social media management, his unique and performance-driven strategy integrates AI technologies, cutting-edge SEO practices, comprehensive lead management, and proactive reputation management across multiple platforms.

As a subject matter expert, Mr. Bulchandani said he was grateful to have the opportunity to share his knowledge with the industry attendees at the NFRA conference, and hopes that his presentation will help others embrace new technologies to help their businesses thrive.