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Kamala Harris Vows to Revive Bipartisan Border Security Bill Previously Blocked by Trump


September 28 :
US Vice President Kamala Harris has reiterated her dedication to securing the borders, highlighting the necessity of more robust responses to the opioid epidemic and illegal immigration. Harris said that Trump should have resigned after he blocked a bipartisan bill to strengthen border security.

"Last December, I helped raise the rate of overtime pay for border agents," the senator said. "I strongly supported the comprehensive border security bill, written last year by a bipartisan group of senators, including one of the most conservative members of the United States Congress."

Harris called the measure "the strongest security bill we have seen in decades," as it sought to resolve numerous pressing problems along the southern border of the United States. It proposed increasing the number of immigration judges and asylum officers by 500, adding 100 fentanyl detection inspection devices, and hiring 1,500 additional border agents and police. According to Harris, "It would have allowed us to more quickly and effectively remove those who come here illegally."

Trump vetoed the measure even though the Border Patrol Union had backed it. President Trump ruined it. Harris claimed that the lawmaker "prefers to run on a problem instead of fixing a problem," and that he had contacted congressional allies to urge them to oppose the measure.

Harris argued that the border is still not as secure as it was before Trump's meddling. "The American people deserve a President who cares more about border security than playing political games and their personal, political future."

If elected president, Harris said, she would bring the measure back to life and sign it into law. "Even though Donald Trump tried to sabotage the border security bill, it is my pledge to you, that as President of the United States, I will bring it back up and proudly sign it into law."

The Trump administration had earlier won a victory when the US Supreme Court authorized the use of $2.5 billion from the Department of Defense to build portions of a border wall, so this comes at a time when there is fresh debate over border security. Trump was able to proceed with the contentious wall thanks to the 5-4 decision of the Supreme Court, which has kept the country divided on the best way to secure the border, even though Congress refused to give the needed cash.

Legislators voiced their opposition, claiming that taking money away from the Pentagon would compromise important national security initiatives.