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Preemptive Blanket Pardons for Trump’s “Enemies”
WARREN – NJ, December 9, 2024 – After pardoning Hunter Biden, President Biden is now
considering preemptive blanket pardons for all those who are perceived to be “Trump’s
Enemies.” This list includes people who very frequently and without solid substantiation
accused Trump of many crimes for which he had to suffer, legally, financially, and socially,
all with the goal of creating the means for Biden to be able to defeat Trump in 2024 election.
These pardons would be for Dr. Anthony Fauci, Former Representative Liz Cheney, General
Mark Milley, Senator-Elect Adam Schiff, and many others. This is how Biden will convey his
gratitude to them.
The precedent would convey that those who attack political opponents of a President in-power
to help him defeat his election opponent would not have to face any legal consequence. These
pardons will encourage such attacks in the future with a presumptive preemptive blanket
pardon and will make American politics dirtier, less civil, and the outcomes more unfair.
The political weapons devised to make Trump weaker in the general election by Biden’s
friends in judiciary, etc. had really made the 2024 election so messy. The Indian Americans
for Trump asks President Biden to not pardon Trump’s enemies. If they have done nothing
wrong, American judiciary will protect them. If they do get punished, they must take it. This
is how, before making any attacks on a political enemy of a power, all should know that they
have to be truthful, otherwise, they would be subject to punishment.