Dr. Suresh Reddy: 'Promises Kept. Today, We Ask For Your Vote So That We Can Continue The Remarkable Progress.'

“Four years ago, we had promised 4 things: 1-Robust financial stability; 2- Zero Property tax; 3-Secure public safety; and, 4-Uniting and engaging the community,” said Dr. Suresh Reddy, a Trustee for the Oakbrook township in Illinois, who is seeking another term along with his colleagues, Jim Nagle and Dr. Melissa Martin in the upcoming elections in April 2025.
“And today, we stand before you to say that we delivered on our promises. Oak Brook now has the strongest finances. Our Sales tax collection is over $ 25 million annually, and we have got a combined fund balance of over $ 100 million. While the suggested reserves for any town is 6 months, I am proud to state that we now have reserves for over 20 months. This is the highest ever in the history of Oak Brook.”

Dr. Reddy is among the four candidates running to be Trustees for the three openings that are being contested on April 1st , when the voters in the city will go to the polls. With a population of nearly 10,000 people, the city of Oak Brook is located 15 miles west of the Chicago Loop and is served by a network of major federal, state, and county roads, including the Tri-State Tollway system, the East-West Tollway, and the Eisenhower Expressway. One of the affluent communities in the nation, Oakbrook’s adjacent neighbors include the communities of Villa Park, Elmhurst, Lombard, Oakbrook Terrace, Westchester, Westmont, Clarendon Hills, Downers Grove, and Hinsdale.
While introducing his running mates, Dr, Reddy said: “I am proud to be running alongside Jim Nagle, a visionary entrepreneur who transformed a once-dilapidated property into a world-class thriving hotel and restaurants and Dr. Melissa Martin, a distinguished professor of accounting whose expertise strengthens our finances even more.”

“I am grateful to several key leaders of my hometown, Oak Brook, a suburb in the state of Illinois, including the sitting mayor and members of the governing body of Oak Brrook for endorsing and supporting my candidacy to be a Trustee of Oak Brook, as the elections to the town office draws close,” Dr. Suresh Reddy, Past President of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) said here today. “
Present Mayor of Oak Brook Larry Herman, Trustee Michael Manzo and former trustees Moin Saiyed and Dan Adler of Oak Brook have expressed strong support for Dr. Reddy and have endorsed his candidacy, as his leadership skills will benefit the residents of the suburban town in Illinois. Dr. Reddy also picked up the key endorsements of all the sitting Trustees, who are not running for re-election this year.
Continuing on other achievements, Dr. Reddy stated: “This is what a responsible governance should look like. And we didn't stop there. We tackled long-standing challenges and turned them into opportunities. For instance, the Sports Core had a net loss of over $200,000, which now has a profit of $200,000 with a net gain of $ 400,000.”
Diligent property management of the Golf Course has resulted in savings of $400,000 per year. With the addition of new businesses that have added to an increased sales taxes income has kept our property taxes low.
“As a Trustee Liaison to the Police, I am proud to say our police force is at its best. Residential burglaries are down by 75%. Our schools are even safer. Our police are well equipped with state-of-the-art technology, having the best in the Midwest, equipped with LPR readers, fuses cameras, and Drones. We have drones that can reach crime scenes within in 45 seconds, even before a cop arrives,” Dr. Reddy went on to point out.”
In his capacity as the Liaison Trustee to the newly formed community engagement committee, “we have brought our diverse community together through events like the Community Pancake Breakfast, International Festival of international cultures and, Taste of Oak Brook. These events reflect our commitment to unity in diversity.”
Dr. Reddy comes with immense experiences and proven leadership. Dr. Reddy grew up in the suburbs of Hyderabad in Southern India. A financial conservator, Dr. Reddy always had a passion for “uniting and bringing people together.” Recalling his childhood, the dynamic leader says, “It all started during my childhood with bringing neighborhood kids together to play “gully cricket” and also bringing people together in college to organize events, demonstrations, and educational tours. Bringing opposing parties to the table for resolving issues has always been my strong strength since my schooling days.”
Not being satisfied with his achievements as a physician and leader of the Diaspora Physicians group, Dr. Reddy says, “I always had a strong passion for bringing a positive outlook and giving back to the community. I got involved in several alumni activities and have facilitated to raise funds to build a million dollar alumni educational center for my Alma Mater.”
Dr. Reddy completed his advanced medical training at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center/Harvard Medical School and has stayed on Harvard Faculty for more than a decade where he had also served as Chief of Interventional Neuroradiology. Subsequently, Dr. Reddy and family moved to Chicago which has now become his home. “Now that I call Oak Brook my home, I would like to contribute and serve my community by participating in public service,” says Dr. Reddy.
What motivates him to take on yet another challenging role for the betterment of the community? “My mantra is: If you don’t lead, someone else will lead you. If you don’t pick the right leader, the wrong leader will pick you, and as my good friend US Congressman Raja Says, and if you are not on the table, you will be on the menu,” says Dr. Reddy.
Dr. Reddy has devoted a greater part of his life to numerous initiates within the United States, in addition to serving his people back in India, As part of his community service, Dr. Reddy has facilitated and organized numerous health camps and workshops, with special emphasis on CPR training, obesity prevention in conjunction with Chicago Medical Society. During the Covid Pandemic, Dr. Reddy facilitated more than a hundred webinars and health awareness events. He facilitated honoring of more than 10,000 nurses who work selflessly in the line of duty against Covid in over 100 hospitals in over 40 states including Alaska. He led a campaign donating blankets to the needy during the last winter and would like to do the same this winter.
His wife Leela, who was born and raised in Greenville, South Carolina has a Master’s Degree in Health Management and Policy. Previously, she was a Director of Network Health Boston, a HMO Health Plan in Boston prior to moving to Chicago. Their son, Rohun has completed JD/MBA at Kellogg School of Management /Pritzker School of Law at Northwestern University and now for working as a corporate lawyer, focusing on mergers and acquisitions and working for one of the largest law firms in the country.
Committing himself to ensure and work tirelessly to keep Oak Brook a strong village, living up to its name as a model village around the nation, Dr. Reddy says, “We would like to continue and strengthen many programs and services the city offers to all sections of the people. Today we are here to ask for your vote and support and of course, your vote, so that we can not only continue the remarkable progress but also sustain the already achieved success. Thank you, and God bless Oak Brook!” For more details, pleaseemail: [email protected]