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Angry Afghan women bury woman burnt to death by extremists
By Mansoor Bakhtar
Kabul, March 23
Breaking with tradition, angry
women in this Afghan capital carried the coffin of a young woman who
was burnt to death by religious extremists for allegedly burning the
holy Quran.
Farkhunda, 27, was beaten and burnt to death by
religious extremists on March 18 at Shahi Doshamshera area in central
Kabul after a religious cleric shouted among a group of people that she
had burned the holy book.
The horrifying incident took place
close to the presidential palace, the ministry of interior affairs, the
ministry of defence and other government departments as police kept
Her body was then taken and dumped on the banks of the Kabul river.
Sunday night, thousands of enraged people, including members of civil
societies, members of parliament, men and women carried her coffin and
buried it in Panjsad family cemetery north of Kabul near her home.
what was a break from tradition, angry women did not allow men to touch
the coffin and carried and buried it. Traditionally, only men can carry
the coffin of a woman.
"I condemn this action and till now we
have arrested nine suspects in connection with Farkhunda'a death,†Gen.
Zaher Zaher said on behalf of the interior ministry at the end of the
burial ceremony.
“We will carry out further investigation and arrest all those who had a hand in her death," he added.
will never give birth to a girl when the condition of women is like
this in Afghanistan,†a crying woman participating in the funeral
procession told the media.
Afghan President Ashraf Ghani has
appointed a special committee to investigate the death of Farkhunda who
hailed from Kapica province north of Kabul and was a teacher of the
The protesters also demanded justice for the deceased woman.
Niazi a well known religious leader and imam of Wazir Akban Khan
mosque, wanted to participate in her burial but the angry people did not
allow him as he was one of those who had supported the killers of
Farkhunda initially.
On Sunday night, people gathered at the place where she was beaten to death and lit candles.
On Tuesday, a large demonstration is being planned in front of the Afghan supreme court.
(Mansoor Bakhtar can be contacted at [email protected])