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Iran n-deal done, US says historic, Israel opposes


Lausanne/Tel Aviv/New Delhi/Washington, April 3
The P5+1 group of world powers and Iran reached a breakthrough in their nuclear talks and a tentative deal was achieved which US president Barack Obama praised as "historic" but Israel on Friday said a deal based on this framework will threaten Israel's existence.

In his remarks delivered from the Rose Garden at the White House, a resolute Obama characterised the deal as "the best option so far" to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon.

But Israel's Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was fiercely critical, telling Obama that his country "vehemently opposes" the deal.

Under the tentative agreement, restrictions will be placed on Iran's enrichment of nuclear material so that it cannot lead to atomic weapons. In return, the US and the European Union will terminate all nuclear-related economic sanctions on Iran once the UN nuclear agency confirms that Iran has complied.

"This has been a long time coming," Obama said. "It is a good deal, a deal that meets our core objectives … If this framework leads to a final, comprehensive deal, it will make our country, our allies and our world safer."

The framework, the culmination of marathon talks between world leaders in Lausanne, provides the basis for a more comprehensive nuclear agreement that is to be reached by June 30.

Obama faces mounting opposition from lawmakers on Capitol Hill, particularly from Republicans who control both chambers of Congress, and the Netanyahu-led Israel.

Obama phoned Netanyahu to discuss the nuclear agreement, according to the White House. In a statement, a spokesperson said that Obama emphasised that the US "remains steadfast in its commitment to the security of Israel".

Netanyahu, however, told Obama that Israel "vehemently opposes" the framework deal. In a statement released after his conversation with the US president he said: "A deal that is based on this framework will threaten Israel's existence ... The alternative is to stand firmly and increase pressure on Iran until a better deal is reached."

On Friday after a meeting of his security cabinet to discuss the framework deal, Netanyahu said: "Israel demands that any final agreement with Iran will include a clear and unambiguous Iranian commitment of Israel's right to exist."

"Israel will not accept an agreement which allows a country that vows to annihilate us to develop nuclear weapons," he said, stressing that "I want to make it clear to all that the survival of Israel is non-negotiable".

India also welcomed the understanding reached at Lausanne and the external affairs ministry said: "A significant step seems to have been taken with the agreement on the parameters of a comprehensive settlement to be negotiated by June 30."

"India has always maintained that the Iranian nuclear issue should be resolved peacefully by respecting Iran's right to peaceful uses of nuclear energy as also the international community's strong interest in the exclusively peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear programme."

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani assured the global powers that Iran will observe its obligations according to the framework deal with the P5+1 group on Tehran's nuclear programme, provided that the other side abides by its obligations as well.

"The world should know that we are not deceptive and are not liars and any promises we give will be within the framework of our national interests and we will live up to our promises provided that the opposite side abides by its promises as well," Rouhani said in a televised address to the Iranian people.

Under the framework, the US and the European Union will lift their nuclear-related sanctions on the Iranian economy -- a priority for Iran -- after a UN watchdog verifies that Tehran has taken key steps. If there are violations, the sanctions will snap back into place.

UN sanctions will also be lifted when Iran completes its nuclear-related steps, though some peripheral restrictions will be contained in a new Security Council resolution.

International reductions in purchases of Iranian oil and increased isolation of the Middle Eastern country had squeezed its economy in recent years, and the lifting of those sanctions could bring the country major financial rewards.