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Dr. Commander Selvam Siddhar sentenced to 27 years in prison


April 13, 2015

ATLANTA – Annamalai Annamalai, a/k/a Dr. Commander Selvam, a/k/a Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar, the former leader of the now defunct Hindu Temple of Georgia, has been sentenced to 27 years, three months in prison following his conviction on 34 felony counts, including bank fraud, tax fraud, bankruptcy fraud, and obstruction charges.

“Annamalai perverted the sacred institution of religion by using it as a vehicle for greed and personal profit,” said Acting U.S. Attorney John A. Horn. “He convinced his victims that they had a problem in need of spiritual guidance, and then took advantage of their vulnerabilities for personal financial gain. The sentence rendered against him is lengthy but just and fair considering the irreparable harm he caused to his victims.”

“Annamalai Annamalai, a self-proclaimed “child prodigy” and “priest”, received his fate today for the fraud that he perpetrated on the faithful followers that believed in him,” stated Veronica F. Hyman-Pillot, Special Agent in Charge, IRS Criminal Investigation. “This defendant utilized the nation’s financial system to steal money from unsuspecting victims and then used the money for his own personal benefit. This sentence is a vital element in maintaining public confidence in our legal and financial system.”

According to Acting United States Attorney Horn, the indictment, and other information presented in court:  Annamalai generated income through the Hindu Temple of Georgia (“the Hindu Temple”) by charging fees to his followers in exchange for providing spiritual or related services.   In a typical transaction, a follower agreed to purchase a particular service for a communicated price, and provided a credit card number by telephone to guarantee payment.  Annamalai caused the followers’ credit card numbers to be charged on multiple occasions, in excess of their agreed amount and without authorization. 

If the followers disputed the charges with their respective credit card companies, Annamalai submitted false documentation to the credit card companies in support of the unauthorized charges. Annamalai later filed spurious lawsuits against followers who disputed his charges and manipulated audio recordings to make it sound as if the followers had agreed to the disputed charges. Annamalai caused these manipulated audio recordings to be submitted to police departments investigating criminal complaints that were lodged against him.

The income generated by the Hindu Temple through these credit card charges was used to fund the personal lifestyle of Annamalai and his family, who owned or controlled numerous homes and real properties, luxury vehicles, and foreign bank accounts in India.

Following a two-week jury trial, Annamalai was convicted on August 25, 2014, for bank fraud and tax fraud offenses.  Annamalai was also convicted of bankruptcy fraud offenses in connection with the Hindu Temple’s petition for bankruptcy protection in August 2009.  Annamalai concealed assets from creditors and others by diverting credit card receipts and donations intended for the Hindu Temple to a bank account in the name of a different entity.  Annamalai was also convicted of money laundering for using proceeds from the bankruptcy fraud to pay mortgages on properties that he owned, and payments to himself.

Annamalai was also convicted on three counts of obstruction and false statements in connection with the grand jury investigation and the bankruptcy proceeding.  Annamalai transmitted a fraudulent email to an IRS Special Agent, which was falsely made to appear as if the email had been written and authored by a witness of the criminal investigation.  Annamalai submitted a false affidavit to the grand jury, and a false affidavit to the Bankruptcy Court in connection with the Hindu Temple’s bankruptcy proceeding. 

Finally, Annamalai was convicted of conspiring with his spouse and others to conceal the arrest of co-defendant Kumar Chinnathambi. 

Annamalai Annamalai, 49, of Baytown, Texas, was sentenced to 27 years, three months in prison.           

Chinnathambi, 34, of Baytown, Texas, was later arrested and pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit bankruptcy fraud on July 17, 2014.  He will be sentenced at a later date.

In addition to Annamalai’s prison sentence, U.S. District Court Judge Timothy C. Batten, Sr. also ordered Annamalai to not engage in any spiritual service for compensation, directly or indirectly through intermediaries; and to not file frivolous, abusive, or malicious lawsuits against (1) former customers of the Hindu Temple and related entities, and victims of his criminal schemes; (2) parties, creditors, the Trustee, lawyers, or court personnel involved in the Hindu Temple’s bankruptcy case; and (3) attorneys, government agents, the jury, and court personnel involved in the criminal case.  Judge Batten also recommended to the Bureau of Prisons that Annamalai be housed in a “Communications Management Housing Unit,” which is a special facility that will be able to monitor Annamalai’s telephone calls and electronic communications from prison.

This case was investigated by Special Agents of the Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation, with valuable assistance from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. 

Assistant United States Attorneys Steven D. Grimberg and Samir Kaushal prosecuted the case.

see also

Judge: Hindu temple leader was 'heartless,' 'ruthless'


A former leader of a Gwinnett County Hindu temple to a maximum 27 years in prison. Judge Timothy Batten, Sr. also ordered Annamalai Annamalai, 49, to pay $540,000 in restitution.

As he delivered the sentence, Batten called Annamalai a “heartless” and “ruthless” man who seemed to enjoy preying on the weak. 

Before the sentence was handed down, Annamalai’s final comments during the hearing lasted nearly an hour.

He cried as he begged the judge for mercy. He said he made mistakes but became “addicted to God.” At one point he asked for the death penalty and said he would rather die than live in prison.

The judge also ordered Annamalai to serve the time in a special facility with limited outside communication. Prosecutors said Annamalai continued to run his religious money-making scheme even from behind bars, by abusing phone privileges using other inmates’ access codes.

In court, Annamalai said he would spend hours on the phone each day talking to his followers. Prosecutors said he funneled the money they paid to his family.

“I never thought I would see this day when he is actually going to be slammed behind bars for quite some time,” said Valmiki Raghunathan, who told Channel 2 Action News he was one of Annamalai’s first victims in Georgia.

Annamalai was convicted in August on 34 felony charges, including bank fraud and money laundering, in connection with his scheme.

He scammed people out of money in several states, officials say.

In Georgia, he ran his operation out of the now-defunct Hindu Temple of Georgia in Norcross. They say Annamalai repeatedly charged his customers’ credit cards without their permission and would later falsify documents when those charges were challenged by victims and credit card companies.

“He abused the concept of religion and Hinduism. It’s really not what he talks about,” Raghunathan said.

Prosecutors say Annamalai used the money to support a lavish lifestyle, including funneling money into bank accounts in India. They say he also concealed assets as he filed for bankruptcy for the Hindu Temple of Georgia in 2009.

In all, officials say Annamalai stole more than $2 million from his followers and the Government.

Annamalai’s spouse was also convicted in the case and has already served time and been deported to India. Annamalai could also face deportation after serving his sentence.

“It’s a tremendous feeling of relief,” Raghunathan said.