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Living without sex not healthy at all
Tokyo, April 19
Surviving without sex affects
the health of even those females, who have acquired over the ages the
rare ability to clone themselves and perpetuate offspring without males.
Evolution has endowed females of certain species of amphibians, reptiles and fish with the ability to survive without sex.
study found that in species where females have evolved the ability to
reproduce without males relatively recently, fertilisation is still
ensuring the survival of the maximum number of healthy offspring and
thus males are still needed.
The researchers from Okinawa
Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) in Japan
looked at the early evolutionary transition from sexual reproduction to
clonal reproduction by studying a special case: the Little Fire Ant.
is a species in which certain populations reproduce sexually and others
clonally, yet colonies in both types of populations still have males.
The researchers studied colonies from both sexually and clonally reproducing populations.
found that inseminated queens had close to a 100 percent success rate
in terms of how many of their eggs hatched, whereas in the case of
queens that remain virgins, a majority of the eggs did not make it past
the early stages of embryo development.
Mating with males enables queens to produce more healthy offspring than by cloning themselves.
also increases a queen's fitness as indicated by the enhanced egg
laying and hatching success rates and as a consequence, the colony's
In case of the whiptail lizard in the New Mexican
desert, which consists only of females, a type of pseudo-copulation
still takes place before eggs start developing.
"It suggests that
evolution places certain checks on completely eliminating sex and
sexual behaviour," said professor Alexander Mikheyev, study co-author.
The study was published in the journal The Science of Nature.