How to counter side effects of antibiotics
By Amar Chandel There are times when it becomes unavoidable to take antibiotics. While
these may cure you of your diseases, they leave you with nasty side
effects like bloating, belching, gas, constipation and diarrhea.
the very name antibiotics suggests, it kills bacteria. Unfortunately,
it also kills friendly bacteria which are so very valuable for your
Full one to two kg of friendly bacteria and yeast are
present in your intestines. The friendly bacteria not only aid in
digestion but also lend a helping hand in manufacturing B vitamins.
Not only that, these keep the omnipresent yeast at bay, thus fighting infection.
a result of the intake of antibiotics, yeasts grow unchecked into large
colonies, causing a condition called dysbiosis. These weaken your
immune system.
Here are a few simple steps which can ease the situation considerably.
The first line of defence is cut out factors which forced you to take antibiotics in the first place.
smoking and drinking. Dump all soda. Put aside those chocolates, sugary
and starchy foods. Also out are dairy products, fatty and spicy foods,
tea and coffee. Increase water intake.
Don't guzzle orange juice.
Vitamin C is better obtained from oranges. Taking it through juices
will only supply you excess sugar, which will rather worsen your
Start taking probiotics in the shape of yoghurt on a
regular basis, whenever you have a course of antibiotics. Probiotics
must be continued long after the course has completed. Even otherwise,
it is a good idea to make probiotics a regular part of your diet.
foods like pickles, pickled turnips and carrots contain natural
probiotics. That earthy Kanji that your grandmother used to make will be
perfect during your post-antibiotic days.
Eat light, easily digestible food because your digestion will be in bad shape for several months after taking those tiny pills.
five mint leaves, an inch of ginger and about half a teaspoon of Ajwain
(carom seeds or bishop's weed) in a glass of water till the water is
reduced to half. Drink half a glass thrice a day.
Light exercise is equally important. What matters is regularity.
Another wonderful remedy in your kitchen is garlic. Allicin present in it gets rid of the antibiotics in the body.
Vitamins A, C, E, zinc and selenium are a great help. Aloe vera juice protects intestinal lining.
sure that you don't get constipated. Psyllium husk and flax seed will
not only aid in bowel movement but will also relieve diarrhea by
absorbing excess water.
Antibacterial oregano oil taken thrice a day provides considerable help.
(Amar Chandel is the author of two self-help books. The views expressed are personal. He can be reached at [email protected] )