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Apple Watch sparks gender divide: Study


Looks like Apple Watch, despite all the hype surrounding its launch, has sparked a battle of the sexes, if one goes by the results of a new study.

A study by California-based data mining company CrowdFlower analysed more than 30,000 tweets since the launch of the Apple Watch on April 24 and found the split down gender lines.

Women were far more positive about the Watch before the launch and continue to be so now, the study said.

The study found 64 per cent of women tweeted positive feelings about the Apple Watch compared with 53 per cent of men, Time reported.

The majority of positive tweets about the Apple Watch concerned the use of apps on the Watch while the biggest complaint in negative tweets about the Watch were about the slow delivery for orders, the study found.

The study found that 70 per cent of all tweets about the Apple Watch were from gadget-obsessed guys. Also, people generally loved the fitness app which breaks down a healthy lifestyle into the daily goal of completing three rings of movement, standing and exercise.

But apps happen to be also one of the biggest concerns with the Apple Watch, with 22 per cent of negative tweets about app bugs.