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FA sees FIFA case as 'very serious', supports Prince Ali


London, May 28 : Greg Dyke, Chairman of England's Football Association (FA), said that the allegations of corruption in FIFA are "very serious" and reiterated the FA's support to Jordan's Prince Ali Bin Al-Hussein for FIFA presidency.

"We should stress this morning's developments are very serious for FIFA and its current leadership. As one of the associations who nominated Prince Ali, it will not surprise you to learn that if the election for president goes ahead the FA will be voting for him. However, there must be a question mark over whether the election should take place in these circumstances," Dyke said on Wednesday, reports Efe.

These statements came following the detention of seven of FIFA senior officials on Wednesday in the Swiss city of Zurich over charges of corruption when they were staying in a hotel there.

"Clearly things are changing very quickly and our delegation to the FIFA congress in Zurich, which I am leading, will discuss the position and what we should do about it with our colleagues in UEFA when we meet tomorrow morning," the FA chairman added.

Current FIFA president Sepp Blatter, who leads the organisation since 1998, will seek a fifth term in Friday's elections against Jordanian Prince Ali bin al-Hussein, the only rival candidate left after Dutch football president Michael van Praag and Portuguese former player Luis Figo withdrew last week.