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Shiv Sena 'blesses' Muslim MBA who was denied job


Mumbai: The Shiv Sena showered its 'blessings' on Zeeshan Ali Khan, a Muslim MBA who was recently refused a job in a well-known diamond export company but now absorbed by the Adani Group in Mumbai.

"If something like this had happened, it is condemnable in the strongest terms... The boy was refused a job on grounds of religion, but now he has got an even bigger offer from Adani Group, and he is happy..." the party said in an editorial in its mouthpiece Saamana on Tuesday.

"Go ahead, Zeeshan...!" it added.

In view of these developments, the Sena wondered if India is truly a 'secular' country, but nobody has any answer to this.

"Use the Hindus only for votes and get the full support of the Muslims... Until now, this is considered as 'secularism' in India. Our view is the same... those Muslims who believe that India is their motherland and they are willing to sacrifice themselves for her, they belong to us... As the citizens of this country, they are entitled to all the rights and privileges," the Sena said.

It pointed out that although it opposed reservations to the Muslims on religious or economic planks, it is equally against denying deserving Muslims jobs only on religious grounds.

"On one hand, we want the Muslims to emerge from the ills of illiteracy, and on other we deny an educated MBA like Khan a job because of his religion... This is contradictory," the party said in the edit.

For the Gautam Adani-led Adani Group, which is considered close to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, employing Khan has proved to be a golden opportunity, especially since the Prime Minister recently spoke about equality for all religions.

"There have been news reports that Adani Group's assets have grown by 48 percent in recent years... Khan has now proved to be an asset for it in marketing terms...Adani Group has said it believes only in capability and not in caste-religion," the Sena noted.

However, there are thousands of other such candidates awaiting an opportunity like this, but by employing Khan, Adani Group has proved its 'secular credentials' before the nation, the Sena said.

In contrast, in Kerala, ads solicit applications for jobs only from Christians, and in Maharashtra, a Marathi is not allowed to buy a flat... So will Adani Group give him a roof over his head, the Sena wondered, adding "there is no opportunity to flaunt its secular thinking in this case".

Under such circumstances, Khan is more fortunate as the Adani Group stepped forward to erase the shameful blot, which must be appreciated. And perhaps, this is why the Hindus are considered a generous lot, it said.

"Now, Zeeshan... Go ahead! Our best wishes are with you... Carve your niche in the community struggling to make its mark in education and employment... This is our message to all youths like Zeeshan," the Sena edit concluded.