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Congress questions Modi's continued silence on Lalit Modi issue


New Delhi: The Congress on Tuesday questioned Prime Minister Narendra Modi's "continued silence" on the Lalit Modi controversy, saying the claim about travel documents being issued to the former IPL chief on humanitarian grounds was "false". "We have to ask the prime minister directly (as to) why is he quiet.

Can there be two parameters? Can there be a different set of rules when you talk of probity and correctness for ministers of the UPA and the BJP? Why is the prime minister silent," Congress spokesperson Anand Sharma asked, while speaking to reporters. "They should respect the (probity) parameters they had set for the UPA ministers," he said. Branding Lalit Modi as a "fugitive" and a "wanted" person, the Congress leader said: "An unacceptable concession was made to this person who should instead have been extradited and prosecuted under the law of the land." "Why is the (NDA) government protecting him?

Whoever is involved should not remain in the government," he added. "The PM has to speak about this nexus...there are many questions which have been thrown up. We demand a through investigation into this affair," the Congress leader said. Anand Sharma also demanded a Supreme Court-monitored probe into the matter. "This is not restricted to the travel documents or the humanitarian facade. It has to be done by the Supreme Court and also a special investigative team has to be set up. This has to be taken to a logical conclusion," he said.