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In a dynastic clash, Bill will advise Hillary only if asked


Washington, July 23
In a possible dynastic clash between Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush, one former president will advise his wife only if asked, while the other wonders how criticism of his brother would affect him.

Former presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush talked about how they will handle the 2016 US presidential race which could pit Clinton's wife against his successor's brother, in a rare joint interview with Time magazine.

"I think most of my role will be giving advice if I'm asked for it," Clinton told Time. "And I try not to even offer it at home unless I'm asked. But she's been pretty good about asking every now and then."

According to Time, given the near certainty of Hillary's bid, Bush's logic about his brother Jeb entering the campaign was mathematical. To him, at least, the downside of one dynasty cancelled the downside of the other.

"What difference does it make," he said at the time, "if the order is Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama/Clinton or it is Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama/Bush?

"I'm sure there will be moments where somebody says something about Jeb or somebody writes something about Jeb that will sting," Bush said.

"I shouldn't say I'm used to it, but the emotions I felt when our dad was criticised really got me for a while. ... I think I'll feel the same thing about Jeb. It'll be interesting to see how affected I become," he said.

Asked why Hillary Clinton once thought she'd never be a politician, Clinton recalled: "I asked her to marry me three times before she said yes. And the first time I said, 'I want you to marry me but you shouldn't do it."

He said he told her she was "most talented politician of their generation, the most natural leader, with the best command of the issues, and rather than marry him, she should go to Chicago or New York and get into politics".

To which she responded: "Oh my God ... I'll never run for office. I'm too aggressive, and nobody will ever vote for me," Clinton was quoted as saying.

Asked if George W. Bush, who has turned to painting after leaving the White House, painted Bill Clinton, Bush said with mock seriousness: "I've tried and tried and tried."

Then he confessed: "No, I haven't. I don't want to ruin friendships."

"He can't get my bulbous nose right," Clinton deadpanned, according to Time.

(Arun Kumar can be contacted at [email protected])