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Land bill committee likely to submit report in winter session


New Delhi, Aug 10  The joint committee looking into the land acquisition bill has decided to seek an extension and will now table the report in winter session of parliament, sources said on Monday.

According to the sources, there was a demand at Monday's meeting to go into the amendments moved by Bharatiya Janata Party members at the earlier meeting of the committee.

The BJP had changed its stance on the bill and its members had moved amendments which entailed bringing back some provisions of the act passed by the United Progressive Alliance government including those relating to consent and social impact assessment.

The sources said there was expectation that the panel would submit its report during the monsoon session, but in Monday's meeting, there was disagreement among members of the BJP and Congress on some issues. Other opposition parties also raised their concerns.

They said that the chairman of the joint committee S. S. Ahluwalia was keen to get the report passed unanimously.