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Send Trump back to where he came from. Let's make America great again


The danger behind The Donald

We've been humoring Donald Trump for too long, waiting to see how far he can take this joke.

But his treatment this week of journalist Jorge Ramos, the most famous man in Latino news, is only the latest reminder that his behavior is causing actual damage — not just to the Republican party's image; to our country as a whole.

He's done it on public health, with his false Tweets about vaccines causing "AUTISM. Many such cases!" He's done it with his misogynistic rants. But most of all, he's done it with his endless race-baiting.

He's smeared Mexican immigrants as drug dealers and rapists, against all empirical evidence. He's called for the government to deport undocumented people en masse, seize the money they try to send home and deny citizenship to their U.S.-born children.

Read Star Ledger editorial