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Senate Democrats block resolution against Iran n-deal


Washington, Sep 11
US Senate Democrats on Thursday blocked a resolution disapproving of the nuclear deal reached by world powers and Iran in July.

In a 58-42 vote, Republicans fell two votes short of the 60 needed to move forward the resolution, handing President Barack Obama a major victory in his foreign policy priority.

Obama said he was "heartened" that so many Senators judged this deal on the merits, and "gratified" by the strong support of lawmakers and citizens alike.

"Today, the Senate took a historic step forward and voted to enable the US to work with our international partners to enable the implementation of the comprehensive, long-term deal that will prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon," Obama said in a statement after the vote.

"This vote is a victory for diplomacy, for American national security, and for the safety and security of the world," he added.