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ADAM'S SONS (English Novel - CHAPTER 8) By Krishna


They never spoke about the incident.  It was as if some divine hand had erased the happenings of the evening from both their memories.

But now they had a deep feeling of more closeness between them, much more than ever in the past.

As far as she was concerned, it was quite perfect to have a deep affection towards him, but now he too felt more tenderness than simple love towards her, as if she was his kid-sister apart from being his venerable mother.  He felt responsible for her safety and protection and it reflected in his looks and actions.  And somehow, she had an insight into this changed attitude of Larry and that made him dearer to her. 

Having one of the obsessions eliminated forever, Lilly occupied more of his thoughts. He wanted to go and see her and talk to her, but at the same time was afraid of the consequences, if his real thoughts were exposed to her. And once in her presence, he was not sure as to how he will act and how she will react.  Added to his fear about Rakesh, now something equally important was also there.
His dear mom.

He wanted to say about Lilly to someone, but there were no close friends to him and telling such things to mom was unthinkable. He was certain that even if he tells about Lilly as a casual acquaintance, mom will surely see through him.

Nevertheless the heat of desire was mounting.

At last, he decided to meet her. He did not know it, but it was a day of some political meeting in a distant town and Rakesh had gone early morning to listen to the speeches of his political bosses, who went on promising nothing less than deliverance from the sufferings of this world.

And of course, Rakesh had another advantage too in going there.
Too many pretty faces to observe and to look at and to see and to yearn in a single day.

And a beautiful smile as bonus if he did the job well.

When Larry reached Lilly's house - he always preferred to think of it as Lilly's house - she was there doing her household chores.  Larry knocked and entered without waiting.  As a shield to protect him, he called out Rakesh while entering, hoping against hope to find Lilly alone.

He saw Lilly.  He forgot to smile and perspiration stood out on his forehead but she had no such tension and smiled at him.

That flower of a smile, which always gave the Lilly-fragrance to his day-dreams.
Fragrance Vs perspiration.
“Your friend is not here.” she was in a lighter mood today. “He went out early morning.”
“Where?”  It was a very, very dry voice.
“Some meeting.” She said.
“When he will come back?”

He was so nervous that words refused to emerge and he had to force them out, which gave an extra -ordinary hoarseness to his voice.
“Are you sick?” She asked
“No. Why?”
“Your sound. It is thick.”
She was looking at him with concern.  He was happy as well as embarrassed.
Happy because she was concerned about his health and certified his voice as thick.  Masculine.
Embarrassed because she is thinking of him as unhealthy.
“No. Nothing.  I am quite O.K.”
She went on looking at him that he had to avert his eyes.
Then she remembered his question.
“I don't know when he will come.” She said. Her facial expression had changed now.
Mirth was replaced by misery.
Day became night all of a sudden.
She remained like that for quite a while.
And he went on looking at her.
Love, sympathy and compassion took him in their control.
He felt like a hero, not knowing what to do to please his heroine.
She jerked her head as if to throw away the pensive mood.
“Why don't you sit down?” She asked him and then turned and walked.
Now he had no other option, but to sit down.  His gaze was absolutely riveted on her body.
Suddenly she turned and walked towards him.  He slipped his eyes from her and looked down on the floor as if he was very seriously observing something there.

She noticed it all and went to the other corner of the room.  And the moment she passed him, he raised his head to look at her.

How nice it would be, if she went on walking like this. Forever!

But she took something from there and returned to the kitchen.  And this time she passed him so close that a delicious whiff from her body wafted towards him.  A strand of her hair flew loose and touched his face and returned.

And she went inside the kitchen.

He did not know what to do. He wanted to do a lot of things.  For her, with her, along with her, about her, to her.
But did not know how to begin anything.
Desire was the hero, while fear acted as the villain.
And the villain had the victory.
He sat silent, visualizing her.
Because that was the safer course of action.

Eventually, she returned with two glasses of tea.  One she kept in front of him and sat down on a chair.
“I think he won't come till evening.”  She said.
Why did she say it? He thought. Does she too feel as I am feeling?
He raised the glass.  She had filled it to the brim and while he took it, it overflowed.
A few drops fell on his shirt.
Why did she fill it so fully?
His mind was busy finding specific positive intention behind her every action.
After all, every intention demands an equal and opposite intention in return.  It is not an offence. It is the rule.

And he wanted to possess enough courage to fulfil his desires in time.
He kept his glass down and looked at the dim dots of tea drops on his otherwise clean shirt and lifted his hand to touch the spots.
“Oh. No. No. Don't spread it.  Wait?” She said “Just remove the shirt.  I will get it cleaned in a second.”
“It is all right, don't worry.” He said.
She did not force him further.
They sipped their tea silently.  Then she went in. 

He looked out through the window.  It was almost noon, yet the light was pale.  The drops of water, which had left the cool, loving bosom of Mother Ocean, being attracted by the impressive and invincible smile of the sun were repenting now seeing his indifferent journey uninhibited by their softness and servility and were on the verge of dropping down as silent victims of misplaced love.

Like Lilly.
Images and imagination soared within him.

I won't let her to be a victim of his fancy.
I shall make her happy.
Happiness is not anybody's monopoly.
She too has a right to it.
But why did she fill the cup to brim?
It was an unnecessary doubt.
Then, like an unfounded imagination, it came from some hidden-source to his mind.
Image of a whirlpool, sucking in the thin mist above it.
He was sure that he had noted it.  Somewhere.  Very recently.
Why did I remember it now?  Nonsense. 
Or was it the sense behind all senses? Am I dreaming?
She had since returned from the kitchen. Presenting a fresh smile to him, she sat down again.
The murmur of the soft, tiny rain drops had begun and the delicious, alluring fragrance of wet earth rose up, filling his nostrils, intoxicating him.

The downpour started quite unexpectedly.

A torrential rain poured down all of a sudden like silver threads relating heaven and earth, bent upon quenching the prolonged thirst of the hot soil, and the soil sucked in the ambrosia with matching eagerness and when contentment filled in all its hidden corners, it let the water flow out towards lower levels to form small pools, wherein small leaves and tiny creatures danced in ecstasy.  The wind, pregnant with moisture, leaped in through the open window, taking both of them in its cool embrace.

As if by some silent agreement they looked at each other.  And smiled.
“Are you feeling cold?” She asked.
“No.” He said .He was feeling cold all right, but as far as he thought, it was a shame for a young man like him to be attacked by and surrendered to cold.
Cold is a commodity to be found only in women's cupboards.
“What about you?” He enquired.
“I am feeling terribly cold.” She said and crossed her hands across her breast as if to prevent herself from the cold intruder.

The rain and wind, with their magnificent display of raw strength, taking in their hold the big trees and small plants alike, had sealed off the possibility of returning of Rakesh soon. And the wild music of nature had an invigorating and exhilarating effect on his every male muscle.

Suddenly, he saw two stars appearing from nowhere in her eyes.  They were so enchanting to give a halo-like beauty to her entire face.  By now, she had removed her hands from her fair bosom and was leaning on the table with hands on it.  The smile on her lips was still there, but it had transformed itself into an enticing entity.  He was so enthralled by the mesmerizing effect of it all that his hands moved ahead spontaneously and took her fingers in it.

For a moment, it seemed that she either did not know it or did not take it seriously. Provoked by the reaction of her inaction, he lifted her hand and quickly moved it towards his lips.

She withdrew her hand quite unexpectedly and to his utter dismay. 
“What is it?”  She asked.  â€œSomeone may come.”
He did not answer.
Nobody had taught him that it is quite impossible to explain logically the reactions of minds and it was no time to involve in such an intellectual exercise.  But during the night, when he was thinking  of the incident, while his unmarried mother-cum- kid sister was in deep sleep snoring an undecipherable melodious rhythm of sheer love in another corner, he understood that it is absolute foolishness to try to analyze and logical -ise the reactions of minds, the existence of which itself defies all logic.

She was not angry and the smile was still in its place.
He did not know what to say.
She got up and came near him.
“What were you going to do?” She asked. A mischievous glitter shone in her eyes.
He sat still, looking at her face, as a silent victim of a unique magic spell.

She looked out through the window.  The rain had slowed down and the wind had released the trees and plants from its mighty hold.

She took his face in her hands, bent down and kissed him squarely on his lips.
It was his first experience. A hot kiss from a young girl.  It was so sweet and delicious that he threw all fears and cautions to wind and folded his hands around her waist, burying his face on her and sucking in her through his breath.

“Enough.” She said and moved away.

Suddenly the rain picked up momentum and this time it was accompanied by fierce thunder and blinding lightening.

And the wind was playing havoc with the helpless trees.
It was almost dark.

She went and closed the window and seeing that the electric supply had failed, lighted an oil lamp. Sitting down she said. “It seems that the rain will not stop for quite some time.”
“It looks so.” He had at last found his voice. Lost and found.

'What is all this?'  He thought.  'At first she said that somebody may come, while it was impossible for anyone to come in such a climate.  Then she comes near and gives me the enrapturing gift and moves away and discusses the climate.' 
What a sweet riddle she is?
What am I expected to do?
But he had not to ponder too long.
“We should not give ourselves away too much to passions.  It is dangerous.' She paused. And after a few moments continued:
'He may come any time.”
Fear leapt headlong at him and he got up.
“I am going.” He said.
“Are you angry with me?” She asked.
“No. Not at all. You were right.” He said, taking all precautions to keep the fear away from his voice.
And she did not notice it.
“Wait till the rain lessens.”  She said. Then, as an after-thought, continued:
“Thereafter you can take the umbrella and go.”
They silently waited.
To his astonishment, he was not feeling any disappointment.  Her smell still lingered in his brain and it offered a hither-to-unknown happiness to him. And as far as she was concerned, she was exhilarated by the sudden exhibition of his love and desire for her, although she had inferred it the day he spoke indirectly of his jealousy.
After all, it is a boon to be loved and yearned by someone.
Slowly, the rain stopped.
He got up to go.  And she too got up. 
“I am very happy.' She said to herself loudly.  And then took his hand in hers, pressed it and released.
He went out and walked and before reaching the pathway, looked back.
She was still at the threshold.
Thinking something, but having forgotten to withdraw the bright smile.
And he was also thinking.
Why did she force me to take this umbrella although the rain had stopped? And why did she press my hand?
Was it some message?
And gradually he guessed it.