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ADAM'S SONS (English Novel-9) By Krishna



She had a definite intention in thrusting the umbrella on him, like a reward for sitting there throughout the rain.
And she had pressed his hand with a small message in heart.
“Wait till a suitable time.”
The umbrella was a shield to protect both of them from danger.

If she would not say about his visit to Rakesh and in case he comes to know of it from Larry or someone else - she thought of Larry's 'jealous-ers' - the reaction may not be a pleasant one.

So she had to tell him.

And then, if Larry hides it from Rakesh, that will result in his suspecting Larry.
What for? For loving me?  Anyway why not take a precaution?
But the umbrella will force Larry to disclose to Rakesh of his visit as he will have to return it tomorrow.

And if Rakesh will not be here then, she will advise Larry to tell him of his visit. Wisely, using discretion.  

And she had also the fondling desire that she can meet Larry tomorrow.
But destiny decided otherwise.
               And it was a distant otherwise.
A terrific otherwise.

Rakesh came very late during the night.
He was very happy.
Openly because the meeting was a success and he was selected as the association's local unit president.
A tall pigmy among the dwarf pigmies. 
And secretly because Nina had offered him a promising smile.
Enclosing a promise to keep up a promise, promised earlier.                           
Lilly said to the pleased man about the visit of Larry as if it was not-so- important news.

Then, like an important information left behind and remembered later, she said:
“I gave him our umbrella, as it was raining when he left.  Hope he won't fail to return it.”
Two birds in a single shot.
1. (Parting with an umbrella, even temporarily, was more important than his visit. Isn't it?)
2. (Now, I said it to you, No?)
And a latent information too if need arise later.
Like an anticipatory bail.
(He did not wait here. Went soon, although it was raining. (He seemed to have got bored in the absence of his friend).
“O.K. don't worry.” Said Rakesh.” He will bring it tomorrow. Now let us sleep. I am tired.”

But after many a days, it was a day when he was not tired. Not at all.
But he was not with her mentally.  In her place, his mind experienced Cathy and Nina.

And Lilly was with Rakesh only physically. Her mind was elsewhere.  With Larry.

Early morning, he went to Larry's home.
'I came very late last night.'  He said as soon as he saw Larry. “And do you know, they elected me as local unit president'.
A selection becomes an election, when the colour of popularity is added.
Seeing his exuberance, Larry understood that lovely Lilly had manipulated the matter in a meticulous manner.
She is beautiful and wise.
Like a pretty flower, spreading fragrance, while hiding sweet honey deep inside. 
“What are you thinking?  Asked Rakesh.
“Oh. Nothing.  I was to come there after some time.  To return the umbrella.”
“That is all right. I shall take it. In the meantime, what about your search for the job?”
“No progress.”
“I think I can do something.  I have spoken to a friend and he has agreed.  It is in the city. The salary will not be much in the beginning, yet will be enough for you two.”
Larry listened.

“Are you interested?”
“Yes. Of course.”
“By the way, where is she?”

Larry was alerted by the question. Normally, he used to enquire differently:
“Where is your mom?”
But why the 'she' today?
A popular song sang in a different and reprehensibly graceless tune.
A 'shut up' deserving question.
But Larry could not say it.  He merely moved his head to mean that Cathy is busy inside.

Cathy was busy of course, but she was hearing them.  She always hated Rakesh like a bad omen and feared that his influence will lead her son to difficulties.  And his offer of a job made her afraid.

His motive may be something else. Not the welfare of Larry.
How shamelessly he stares whenever he sees me. Forgetting that I am Larry's mom.
And her son is accepting his job!  Somewhere far away.
No. I will tell him not to go.
Then she heard Rakesh asking about her.
And Larry had not replied.
So, he too did not like the question.
Thank God. 

Then she heard Rakesh say:
“I came early morning to give you the happy news.  And you are sitting just like that, without even offering a glass of tea.”
“Sorry” Her son apologized. “Mom seems to be not here.”

She sat down, without making any noise. So Larry too knows the real 'him'.
And even my dog won't offer him the tea he asks.  Get out.
As if having got a telepathic message Rakesh got up.
“O.K. I leave now. See you?”
No.  Never see my son again.  She cursed him.

Larry gave him the umbrella.  He wanted to kiss it a last time.
The returnable souvenir of an ever-present happiness.

As soon as he disappeared, Cathy entered.
The exit of a cool hardness, contrasted by the entry of a warm softness.
But today, the softness was aggressive.
“I won't let you go.”  She said flatly.
“I don't understand.”
“You need not understand.  I say that you are not going.”
“O.K. Mom. I am not going. But tell me, where I am not going?”
All precautions failed her and she smiled at him.
Yet, an undercurrent of sorrow was obvious in her smile.

He reached near her and kept his hands on her shoulder and looked into her eyes.
They were filled with tears!
“What is this mom?”  He asked. “You are so agitated as if I am going somewhere.  Tell me, where do you fear I am going?”
“I heard him telling you that he will send you somewhere.”
“Oh that?  That is why you are so serious?”
“Yes.  It is serious.  And you agreed to go leaving me here alone.”
“No mom. Nothing like that.  I just agreed but I will go only if….”
“Only if?”  She did not permit him to finish.
“If it is some good job.  After all, the city is only fifty kilometers away.  I can come every weekend.”
“No. You are not going.  I cannot stay here without you, even for a day.  Don't you know that we never stayed separate?” She became so emotional that her voice clinked.  â€œPromise me, just now that you will not leave me till I die.”
At last the tears found their outlet.  Now her both cheeks were fully wet.
He pressed his hands on her shoulder.
“O.K., O. K., Mom. Stop crying.  I will not go.”
She looked at him.  And then kept her face upon his shoulder.
“Don't forget that I have none other than you.” She sobbed upon his shoulder.
“I won't forget.”

She lifted her face, touched his head affectionately and happily left to the kitchen.
He was thoroughly moved by her reaction upon hearing that he is going away, even if temporarily.

But a job is a job after all.  And I need it.  Let her have some rest.
I shall explain later.  She will understand.
And he felt that his entire self has been purified by her tears of maternal love. His mind bubbled out as sheer joy. In that super-happy mood, he liked to have a pleasant, funny talk with her.

She was busy when he entered the small kitchen.
“Do you want some more tea?”  She asked.
“Yes, madam.” He joked.
She gave him tea.
“Mom. Shall I ask you something?”
She turned and looked at him closely.
When he did not say further, she asked. “What do you want to know?”
“Oh, I forgot it.” He said. On second thoughts, he had decided against asking the question.
She came nearer. “Don't worry. You ask. I will answer.”
He felt as if some divine force had catapulted his question from his mind to her mind and she needs only a confirmation from his lips.
So he asked bluntly.
“Why you did not marry?”
She smiled. “Only this much? O.K. I will answer. I forgot to marry.”
“Forgot? How?”
“Just like people forget things. Forget stories, songs etc.”
So far she was in a light mood, but now her voice changed.
“I forgot many things.  And I forgot to marry also.  And do you know, I forgot to dream, till I got you.”

He turned and left.  They did not speak about the subject any more but the sum total of the day's talk hang in the air like a perfume.  Both felt a contentment filling in their mind, making them cheerful and happy.
Affection and love and peace.
Rose, Jasmine and Lotus.
On the string of eternity.

But the subject matter of their discussion did not end there.

After a week, Rakesh said to Larry when they met on the road.
“I was coming to your house.”
“What is the matter?”
“My friend had called.  He told me that he has arranged everything and you have to reach there.”
“City.  The address I will give you.”
When Larry was silent, he reminded:
“I am speaking about your job.”
'After all, leaders won't say or tell.' Larry thought.   'They will only speak.' 
And he replied:
“That I know.  But tomorrow?  So soon?  How I…..”
“Why?  After all, it is for a job.  Others will go just now if I offered them. Now come with me.”
He took Larry to his house.  It was the first time Larry went there, after 'that day'.
Lilly gave him her fragrant smile.
After all, he was no stranger to her.
Her husband's friend and so deserving a smile.
And tea.
But this time, it was not filled so full. He noted.
Only on special occasions, it will be filled to the brim.
To overflow.
Like liquid love and desire, straight from heart.

Rakesh gave him the address, phone number and location of the friend's house.  He explained everything meticulously.
He seemed very happy to do all these for Larry.
After all, a friend in need is a friend in deed is a friend indeed.
And Larry did not see any wickedness hiding in his action.
He also did not see that Rakesh was inadvertently sucking in some sweet expectation from the air.
Because, half of the mind of Larry was inside the house.
Moving round and round around the friend's depressed bird inside.
At last he got up to go.  No hope of her coming out.
All along the way he was thinking about going. To the city.
To go or not to go?
How to get mom's consent?

But it happened to be easier than expected.
He said everything to her.
After explaining the details, he added in a hurry: “But you need not bother.  I decided not to go.”
He knew that by that single sentence he had disarmed her.
She said nothing, but was pleased.
Much later while taking supper, he said.
“I forgot one thing.  He had said that…..”
“So you are still thinking about it?”
“I just remembered.  He said that I can return tomorrow and it is quite possible that they may appoint me here somewhere.”
“How?  How can the factory appoint you here?”
“It is not factory.  It is his party's office.”
Nobody had said it to him.  But he wanted to go and that too only with her consent.
A small lie is permissible, if it can avoid a big grief.
But her face had turned sad.
He ate silently and then said:
“O.K. O.K. Mom.  I won't speak about it hereafter.  I promise.”
She looked at him quite a while and then, fondling his hair, asked:
“Tell me the truth.  Do you want to go?”
“I do not know. I cannot leave you even for a day.  On the other hand, it is the question of a job.”
After a few seconds, he continued:
“No mom.  I cannot decide .You say and I shall obey.”
“Let us do one thing.  You go there in the morning.  Return in the evening.. And accept the job only if it is here.”
“Right mom. I will do that.”
“Now go and sleep.  You have to go in the morning. No?”

He slept soon.  But while asleep, he had a feeling that she had come to him and had kissed his forehead gently.
He did not know whether it was real or dream.

Early morning, he was awakened by his mother.  She had got up early and finished her routine works and had taken bath.
She gave him tea.
He went on looking at her.
As usual, she was the beautiful, serene mother.  But today it seemed that divinity had its own hand in adorning her.  For a moment, she looked belonging to a different planet where gods alone inhabit.
He also understood that sometimes goddesses have tears in their eyes.
He wanted to cheer her up.
Raising both hands at her, he said:
“I don't want to get up.”
A wet smile was her reply.
“Or you raise me up.”
She kept down the glass and took his hands and lifted him up.
“Get ready soon.  You want to go. No?”
Did she like a negative affirmation?
“There is no need to go this early.” He said.
“Go early so that you can come back early.  Now get up.”
He got ready to go and she gave him some money.
“What is this for?”  He asked:
“Are you going to walk to the city? And then you will have to take food there.”
“I will return by evening.” He said.
He really meant it.
How nice it were, if Lilly be with Mom?  He thought.

The desire for Lilly had dissolved in his blood and was now filled in each and every cell of his body.  He even thought of going to her home pretending to get some doubts cleared about the job from Rakesh.
But if she won't come out?
               He went directly to the railway station.

By noon, he met Rakesh's friend.  He was staying in a remote corner of the city, which was thickly populated but thinly convenience-d. Bus service from station to the place was sparse.

Larry felt a blind panic creep into him.
The peacefulness of his home and surroundings and the dust and tumult of this area!

The friend was a well-built man.  He was expecting Larry and enquired everything about Larry and his family.

His crooked smile and lazy, time consuming manners made Larry suspect the intentions of Rakesh the first time.

And his leering smile when Larry said about his mother was simply repulsive and it exposed his corrupt mind.

He offered meals to Larry, but Larry lied of having had his lunch already.

By 3'O' clock, the friend took Larry to the city.
“Rakesh is my best friend.” He said. “He says that you are quite dependable.  That is why I recommended your name.”
They reached a dilapidated building.
“You wait here.”  He said “I go upstairs and speak to the boss.”
He went up.  Larry waited.

Suddenly he heard the shrill whistle of a train nearby.  He turned.  At a distance, the railway station was visible.
He wanted to go there, get into the train and reach his mom as fast as he can.
He had already decided against taking up a job here and to be subjected to the leering-smile-man.
But he wanted to be polite to the man, so that Rakesh should not feel offended.
May be Rakesh's intention is pure.
Anyway I have to go to his home occasionally.
It will rain again there.
After more than an hour, the friend re-appeared and came down.
“I was waiting for the boss.  It seems that he won't come today.”
Larry listened through the stink of some cheap liquor.
“However, I have spoken to his secretary.  He said that everything is arranged and you may join tomorrow morning at 8''o' clock, which is the auspicious time.  And your boss is a believer in such things.”
“So what?  He is your boss and you have to be punctual without giving room for any irritation the first day itself.  So you stay with me today.  We will have a jolly, happy evening and to-morrow you can join in time.”
“I am going home now. I have to go.  I will come back tomorrow at sharp 8'o' clock.”
The friend caught hold of the hand of Larry.
“I won't let you go.  After all, I am answerable to Rakesh and he will blame me.”
“I will explain to him.”
“Station is far away.  I shall take you there later.  Now come on.”

By chance, Larry happened to raise his face.  He saw a board at a corner of that building.  At first it read like 'toilet', but when looked carefully, Larry understood that it was a 'To Let' board!
So this building is not even occupied! And it is here that this fellow is going to give me a job!
This man wants to cheat me.  May be, he wants to rob whatever money I have.
Slowly, he released the hands of the man.
Some people were coming from a distance.  From their dress and luggage, Larry guessed that they are going towards the railway station.
He waited as if thinking about the suggestion of the man.

And when they came nearer, he said:
“I will go to the station with these people.  After all, the railway station is near by.”
He pointed a finger towards the station, ran away and joined the group.

When Larry looked back, the man was still standing there, looking at him.
Larry raised his hand.  Good bye.  Never to meet again.
He might have realized that I have seen through him.

But what for he tried to persuade me to stay here tonight with him? He should know that I have not much money with me.  Then what for he…..?
In the train, he took the decision.  I will say everything to Rakesh.  After all, he is my friend.  He will understand.
