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Pele likens Indian fusion music to Brazil's samba

Kolkata, Oct 12: It's just not football, Brazilian legend Pele knows his Samba too!

At a musical tribute for the maestro at the NSHM Knowledge campus here, Pele was seen tapping his feet and keeping rhythm with his fingers to an Indian fusion music performance by Sourendro and Soumyojit.

"This is a little bit like the Sambaa," said the icon who went to hum and mimic the beat that was played. Samba is a lively and rhythmical dance of Brazilian origin with an equally engaging music.

Thunderous applause followed as he hummed on.

Earlier, when Soumyajit said "Namaste", the global football icon also responded "Namaste".

As Soumyajit raised the pitch and repeated "Namaste", Pele took his hand mike and joined loudly "Namasate".

This drew cheers from across the auditorium.