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ADAM'S SONS(English Novel - 11) By Krishna


Larry would have reached earlier, but for the late running of thet rain.

He did not meet Rakesh on the way, since Rakesh had avoided the main road, but had taken a roundabout, forlorn route, for fear of being seen by somebody in that condition.

When Larry reached home, the door was bolted from inside and only a faint light was there inside.

An ominous silence engulfed the house.  Although he did not expect any sound, since Cathy was alone there, there was something irritating in the atmosphere.  The peacefulness, which he always experienced reaching home, whenever she was inside, was conspicuous by its absence tonight.

Then he noted that she had not put on the lamp outside.
It was something etxra-ordinary.  Especially when he was out and expected to return any time.

He had to knock twice, before he heard her voice.
'Who is it?'
The voice seemed to have lost its natural grace.
'It is me, mom.'
She opened the door in a hurry and put on the light outside.
Without asking anything, she took hold of his hand and scrutinized him very carefully, as if searching for something.
'What you are looking for?'  He asked in astonishment.
'Nothing.' She could not tell it to him.
Since Rakesh left, she was afraid that he may wreak his vengeance on Larry and that made her examine Larry carefully.
Larry sat down.
'I have decided not to take up the job.'
A sigh of great relief escaped her.
He was thinking of explaining everything to her, but decided against it.
Why should I make her sad?
Then he noted her face.  It was so tired and frightened that he felt a cold shiver run through his spine.
It was as if someone had smeared her face with grey terror.
'What happened here mom?'  He asked in consternation.
'Nothing.' Shet ried to smile, but it was only a ghost of her usual godly smile. 'Now come and have your supper early.  You may be tired.'
'I am tired all right, but you are much more tired.  And worried too.  Please tell me what happened here?'
She got up, hiding her face.  Even her movement was so awkward, having lost the usual briskness.
'Nothing.' she repeated.
Then he saw the red smear on her face.  He got up and touched it.
The finger smelt of blood.
Now he was so worried that he took hold of her shoulder and asked:
'Tell me what happened?  Please. You have to tell me'
She recognized the great pain in his voice.

tSroking his hair, she said in her sweet voice.
'I told you, No?  There is nothing. Now come.'
'Then how is this blood on your face?'
She showed the cut on her hand.  Then he saw the blade lying on the floor with dry blood on it.
He lifted it and examined.
So much blood?  How?
'What were you doing with this?'
'Cutting my nails.'
It was obvious.  She was hiding something.
What for?
'Did anyone come here?'  He enquired.
'No.'  She denied in such a hurry and force which was not at all her usual way of expression and he noted it.
Like a huge black object lying in clear, pure shallow water.

She is lying.
Some one had come here.
And something had happened.
Who may be that?
May be. He is the only person who comes here in search of me.
'Did Rakesh come here?'

Her face lost its colour, as if the entire blood was drained out of it.
'He came to know whether you have come, but left soon.'
That means he was expecting me to return to-day and had no part int rying tot rick me to stay there tonight.  He thought wishfully.
If so, the leert ried on his own to stop me there.  The ditry rogue.
But for what?
There was something else, which disturbed him.
During the meals, she enquired about his visit to the ctiy.
'The boss was not there and I said that I would come tomorrow.'
'But you are not going. No?'
'Thank God.'
He was astonished.  She said it as if he had escaped from some grave danger!
He was thinking about it all.
Why did she say that she was cutting the nail, when the cut is at the inside of her finger?  And so much blood on the blade?
Why did she say first that no one had come?  
And then, why is she behaving in a strange manner?
And afraid also?
Even speaks in a hurry as if she has some urgency.
Then it came to him.

I had only asked whether Rakesh had come, but she seemed more particular in saying that he left soon.
That means he did not leave soon.  And he might have told her as to what was expected to happen in the ctiy.
That means he learnt about the dangerous intention of his friend and was worried.
And told everything to her, making her terror -stricken.
And in that state of mind, she might have injured her finger while doing something.
Yes.  That may be the case.
How much my poor mom might have worried till I returned?
But why she does not say it all to me?
May be, his plan was so dangerous and she don't want to speak about it.
'Tell me mom.  What happened   actually?  Why don't you say it all?'
She looked at him for some time.
She was thinking.
If I say him thet ruth, he will surely quarrel with the man.  It will be dangerous.
If I don't say he will be careless and I won't be able to alert him.
She could not reach a decision.
'Don't worry.  Everything is all right.' She said 'I will say it all to you tomorrow.'
'But why do you worry so much?  After all, I have returned safe. No? Now, don't worry.'
She could not get at his real purpose of saying so.  In fact, he wanted her to relax, to believe that nothing had happened to him as he thought that she was panicky about his safe return and that tension is still lingering on.

But her confusion gave it a different meaning.
'I am here.  I will take the revenge if anyone did anything wrong to you.'
'I will say everything in detail tomorrow.' She repeated. 'Now I feel very tired.'
'O.K. Mom. Tomorrow then.'
He did not suspect even for a moment that Rakesh might havet ried to molest her, to dishonor her. 
But she was worried.
Did he guess anything? Otherwise why did he ask about Rakesh?

But they did not know that every secret, however deep buried they are, have a tendency to show up, like flames with different color and texture from the material being burned.  They come out like dreams having their foundation in realtiy and the structure set in suppressed desires, longings and fears not necessarily of the present birth.