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Detained vice president tried to impeach Maldives president


Male, Oct 25 Maldivian President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom on Sunday revealed that detained Vice President Ahmed Adheeb Abdul Ghafoor tried to file a no confidence motion in a bid to impeach him.

In his first public address after an explosion on a speedboat carrying him last month, Yameen said the vice president had colluded with opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) to file the no-confidence motion against him, reports Xinhua news agency. 

The vice president also sought to seek the support of lawmakers from the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) as well, Haveeru online was quoted as saying.

"Those members came to me and gave that information," the president said.

According to him, the money was channeled through the Maldives Media and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC), which is headed by a close associate of the vice president, he said.

President Yameen stressed that the vice president, despite repeated requests, had not cooperated with the investigation into the blast. 

His associates, including MMPRC's Managing Director Abdulla Ziyath, who had been arrested for the investigation, had also failed to cooperate with the investigation, he added.

The president said he had to detain his vice president because of his influence over the police. He had provided the police with money and equipment outside of the state budget.

"The vice president is being detained for the safety and security of the entire nation. There are many allegations concerning the vice president. Because of his influence over the police, it was deemed that an impartial investigation could not be carried out with the vice president remaining in office," the president said.

Vice President Adheeb was arrested on Saturday upon return from an official visit to China. Police confirmed he was arrested for the investigation into he blast. 

President Yameen and First Lady Fathimath Ibrahim were travelling to Male from the airport on September 28 when the explosion took place. 

They had returned home that morning after concluding their visit to Saudi Arabia to perform the annual Haj pilgrimage.

The president was unhurt, but the first lady suffered a spinal fracture and still remains in hospital.

In the wake of the bomb blast on the presidential speedboat, President Yameen fired his police chiefs on Friday.