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Sadhana's ‘WeAreOne’ rally draws elected officials and community leaders


On the evening of December 4th, on a frigid street corner in Woodhaven, Queens, about 100 people gathered to send a collective message of love: love for humanity. 

The gathering was the WeAreOne Rally organized by Sadhana: Coalition of Progressive Hindus in response to an anti-Hindu hate crime which took place over Thanksgiving weekend in Woodhaven, Queens, NY

Over 40 jhandi flags were burned in the front yard of a Hindu home. Jhandi flags are customarily raised at the culmination of Indo-Caribbean Hindu prayer rituals and are representative of various Hindu deities. These flags are an emblematic identifier of many Indo-Caribbean homes, and this crime can be seen as an attack against not just Hindus, but Indo-Caribbeans at large.
The rally was opened by Sadhana co-founder Aminta Kilawan who hails from the Queens Indo-Caribbean community herself.  Ms. Kilawan spoke of the terrible losses suffered by those who are motivated by hatred in Paris, Beirut, Syria, Afghanistan, Nigeria, and more recently Colorado Springs and San Bernadino, CA. The diverse group observed a moment of silence to honor the lives lost and those who have been bereaved.                                           

A Hindu Priest, Pandit Manoj Jadubans of the Shaanti Bhavan Mandir sang the shanti mantra (prayer for peace) Asato Sadgamaya.
Aminta opened with the poignant words, "We will NOT be shaken in our resolve to stand united for peace and community harmony. "
These words of unity and indivisibility were echoed by all the speakers of the evening. It was remarkable that so many elected officials braved the cold and came out to Woodhaven tonight.  And the powerful words of love and solidarity from the various leaders from various faith traditions.
New York City Public Advocate Tish James expressed the need to speak out against an act of hate against any community and emphasized the importance of cultural and religious awareness. Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs Nisha Agarwal also denounced the hate crime and expressed her solidarity with the Hindu Indo-Caribbean community. 
Council Member Eric Ulrich stated that the burning of crosses was never tolerated, thus the burning of jhandi flags also should not be tolerated. New York State Senator James Sanders Jr. said, “An injury to one is an insult to all of us. We are going to stand united.” Assembly Member Michael Miller expressed his concerns that such a crime happened so close to home, and stood in solidarity with the family. Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez condemned the crime and committed to doing whatever necessary to find the perpetrator.
The Narine family whose home was targeted shared a beautiful message (read by Sunita Viswanath, a co-founder of Sadhana) expressing fear and bewilderment at the attack, but also a desire to meet the perpetrator and try to understand his motives, and explain about their culture and religion. "We want to build dialogue and trust to help the racism disappear. We have it in our hearts to forgive."
Several individuals were moved to commit pledges towards the reward for the arrest, indictment, and conviction of the individual who burned the Jhandi flags. Beginning with Martin Colberg of the Woodhaven Residents' Block Association (WRBA), who pledged $500 on WRBA's behalf, several elected officials, community based organizations, and a local Hindu temple decided to pledge. Assembly Member Michael Miller, Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez and City Council Member Eric Ulrich each pledged $500 each. Dr. Dhanpaul Narine pledged $500 on behalf of the Shri Trimurti Bhavan in Queens. Rozanna Beaumont and Lakshmee Singh also pledged $500 each. Vishnu Mahadeo of RHEDC pledged $1,000. 

The rally brought together a diverse group in solidarity with the Hindu community, but Aminta pledged that Sadhana would mobilize Hindus to stand with other communities whenever they are targeted because at the heart of Hinduism is the teaching, Vasudaiva Kutumbakam, WE ARE ONE.

List of Speakers

Aminta Kilawan, Co-Founder, Sadhana: Coalition of Progressive Hindus

Pandit Manoj Jadubans, Spiritual Leader, Shaanti Bhavan Mandir

Statement from Narine Family (family whose home was targeted) - Read by Sunita Viswanath, Co-Founder, Sadhana: Coalition of Progressive Hindus

MOIA Commissioner Nisha Agarwal

Public Advocate Letitia James

New York State Assembly Member Michael Miller

Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez

New York City Council Member Eric Ulrich

State Senator James Sanders Jr.

Community Affairs Officer Jose Severino

Rev. Chloe Breyer, Executive Director of Interfaith Center of New York

Naheed Bahram, Flushing Interfaith Council and Women for Afghan Women

Imam Safraz, Masjid al Abidin

Rev. Alfonso Wyatt

Simone Jhingoor, Co-Founder of Jahajee Sisters