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Governor Nikki Haley to reply to the State of the Union address


South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley will be delivering the rebuttal to President Obama’s last State of the Union address Jan. 12, the Republican Party announced Jan. 5.
House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky made the announcement, making Haley the 2nd Indian-American governor and possibly the first ever minority woman to have the privilege of representing the GOP in history, in taking on the job of giving the rebuttal.
Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, once considered a “Rising Star” of the GOP, like Haley is now, was also given the opportunity to present the rebuttal in 2009, the first State of the Union that President Obama delivered after the historic election of a black president. Jindal botched the presentation and that marked the beginning of the downward trajectory of his political career.
“Nikki Haley has led an economic turnaround and set a bold agenda for her state, getting things done and becoming one of the most popular governors in America,” Speaker Ryan is quoted saying in a press release. Haley’s action in removing the Confederate flag from South Carolina State House grounds following the massacre of 9 black parishioners in a Charleston church, established her national credentials and her visibility. It also gave further fillip to speculation she may be selected as a vice presidential candidate by a Republican presidential candidate.
“In a year when the country is crying out for a positive vision and alternative to the status quo, Governor Haley is the exact right choice to deliver the Republican Address to the Nation,” Ryan said. The GOP has been struggling to reach out to minorities and in the current political scenario where the evangelical base of the party is gaining ground, showcases the traditional moderate conservatives.
“Nikki Haley is a proven leader and committed reformer who  believes deeply in the promise of the country we all share,” Sen. McConnell is auoted saying in the press release. “Not only has Governor Haley fought to bring opportunity and prosperity to the people of her state, but she’s also demonstrated how bringing people together can bring real results. Governor Haley knows the American Dream and wants to see every American share in it, and we’re pleased that she will be delivering this year’s Republican Address‎.”
Haley said she was honored to be asked to deliver the Republican address to the nation. “This is a time of great challenges for our country, but also of great opportunities.  I intend to speak about both,” she said in a press release from her office.
Gov. Haley, the 116th Governor of South Carolina, is the first female and the first minority governor in South Carolina history and currently the youngest governor in the country.  She was re-elected to a second term in November 2014.