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The Club for Growth endorses Mary Thomas


Club for Growth, the leading free-enterprise advocacy group in the nation, today announced they have endorsed Mary Thomas for Florida's Second Congressional District! This breaking news is a huge milestone on our path to victory, but Mary needs your help to keep up the momentum. The end of the month fundraising deadline approaches at midnight tomorrow, and Mary is still $5,000 short of her goal.

"Mary Thomas is a rock-solid economic conservative, and her election would be a terrific upgrade for Florida's panhandle," said Club for Growth's President David McIntosh.

Politico, one of the largest and most reputable politcal news sources in the country, commented on the endorsement, "The Club for Growth PAC endorsed Mary Thomas today, giving her an advantage in her race against Neal Dunn for the GOP nomination in Florida's 2nd District."

"There is no better way to save the American dream than to return the American economy to a free enterprise system of capitalism that has made the American dream possible for so many. Today I am proud to announce that my campaign has been endorsed by the leading political voice for free markets and conservative economic principles in America, the Club for Growth," said Mary Thomas at a press conference announcing the endorsement. 

This is our chance to elect a fresh, true conservative voice as our next U.S. Representative. Sign up to help Mary's campaign today!

Mary needs your help now!

The end of the month deadline is midnight tomorrow!


Contribute $20.16 to help Mary win in 2016!