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Community leaders from across region endorse Sen. Pramila Jayapal


January 29, Seattle, WA - A broad and diverse group of community and elected leaders have announced their endorsement of Washington State Senator Pramila Jayapal in the one week since she announced she is running for Washington's 7th Congressional District seat being vacated by long-time U.S. Rep. Jim McDermott. This initial list of supporters represents elected leaders at the city, county, and state level, community, nonprofit, and faith leaders, plus individuals who have signed up on her website to show their support. 

Elected leaders who are supporting Sen. Jayapal include Washington State Senators David Frockt, Karen Keiser, Annette Cleveland, Jeannie Darneille, Christine Rolfes, Kevin Ranker, and Senate Democratic Deputy Minority Leader Andy Billig, King County Councilmember Larry Gossett, Seattle City Councilmembers Lorena González and Lisa Herbold, plus former Seattle City Councilmember Nick Licata. 

"From my work with Pramila in the Senate, I know that she has the right combination of skills to be the bold progressive voice representing the 7th's values of economic and social justice, but also the legislative chops to dive in and deliver for all parts of our district - north, South, east and west," said Sen. Frockt. "I am proud to endorse my friend for Congress."

"Pramila has the heart and the voice to lead us to justice. She is willing to speak out on issues when no one else will. I am proud to endorse her candidacy for the 7th Congressional District, and I will fight to get her elected this November!" said Seattle City Councilmember González in a letter she released. "She is a proven and experienced leader with a huge heart and a vision that inspires all of us. Pramila is effective. I have watched her bring the City’s Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs into being, lead the State’s largest voter registration drive ever, and negotiate across the table to bring conservative and liberal, Democrat and Republican together toward common ground."

Community leaders who have endorsed Jayapal lead local and statewide organizations that fight for social justice, seniors, education, affordable housing and healthcare, LGBT, civil, immigrant and refugee rights, and much more. They include the following (organizations are included for identification purposes only):

Mary Jean Ryan, Executive Director, Community Coalition for Education Results
Robby Stern, Executive Director, Puget Sound Advocates for Retirement Action
Rebecca Saldaña, Executive Director, Puget Sound Sage
Alice Woldt, Executive Director, Washington Public Campaigns
Karen Cooper, Former Executive Director, NARAL Pro-Choice Washington
Fe Lopez, Executive Director, Community Police Commission, City of Seattle
Tony Lee, Senior Fellow, Statewide Poverty Action Network

“I’m a bold progressive fighter who will stand up for Seattle’s values,” Jayapal said in her announcement speech at Seattle Central College last Thursday in a room packed with supporters, labor leaders, and progressive activists. “I’m running for Congress because our system is rigged for corporations and the wealthy. The time has come to tackle this inequality: we need to raise the minimum wage, expand Social Security and Medicare, and ensure debt-free college for young people across America.” 

The same day, OneAmerica Votes - a 501c4 organization which promotes democracy and builds power in immigrant and refugee communities through advocacy, civic engagement and leadership development - announced its endorsement of Jayapal. "As a Washington State Senator, Jayapal has quickly built a track record for taking the lead on progressive issues, and for being able to work across the aisle to get things done," said OneAmerica Votes Chief Executive Rich Stolz. "Senator Jayapal is ready for Congress, and Congress better be ready for her."