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Prince Ali wants FIFA vote to be suspended


Zurich, Feb 23 : FIFA presidential candidate Prince Ali bin al-Hussein has asked for Friday's election to be suspended in a dispute over voting procedures.

The Jordanian former FIFA executive committee member had voiced concerns that his rivals were exerting undue pressure on the 209 voters to record proof that they had cast their vote a certain way.

According to a report in the Guardian on Tuesday, FIFA responded by banning mobile phones from the voting booth but would not agree to a request from the Ali camp to install transparent voting booths that they offered to provide.

In a statement, Ali's lawyers said that FIFA's measures were "not sufficient" and they reportedly remain concerned that the voting process would not be properly policed and that there would be no sanctions for flouting the rules.

"FIFA remains silent upon the measures to enforce it and sanctions associated with it. Prince Ali has naturally brought the matter to CAS (Court of Arbitration for Sport) on Monday the 22nd," the statement said.

"FIFA has objected to our demand for expedited hearing in order for an award to be delivered before February 26th. This behaviour bears no rationale other than denying any right to a fair and transparent voting process," it added.

In order for CAS to expedite a decision on the transparent voting booths, both parties would have to agree. But FIFA refused to have the request expedited.

The CAS confirmed it had received the appeal and said it would issue a verdict on Thursday morning, the day before the election.