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Apple Plans To Make iPhone And iCloud More Secure


Apple is already thinking about ways to make it harder to hack iPhones, reports say. According to the New York Times, the company wants to prevent passcode-free recovery mode in future iPhones. According to the FT, Apple also wants to encrypt iPhone backups on iCloud.

These two reports are related to the current fight between Apple and the FBI. The FBI found an iPhone that used to belong to one of the suspects in the San Bernardino terrorist attack. When the FBI asked for a backdoor to access data on this phone, Apple’s Tim Cook wrote a letter saying that Apple is protesting the order.

In particular, the FBI has looked at an iCloud backup of the phone in question and wants Apple to create a new firmware that would let the FBI make as many tries as possible to unlock the iPhone. And the best way to refuse complying to these orders would have been to make those things technically impossible. This is exactly what Apple plans to do.