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Sanders beats Clinton in Maine Democratic Caucus


Washington, March 7 

Senator Bernie Sanders scored a win over the former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in the Maine Democratic caucus where 30 delegates are at stake.

With 86 percent of the vote counted, the senator from the neighbouring state of Vermont won 64 percent of the vote, compared with 36 percent for the former first lady, Efe news agency reported.

This is the eighth victory for Sanders in the primaries to elect the Democratic candidate for the presidential elections in November, while Clinton leads with twelve victories.

According to the unofficial tally by the media, Clinton arrived at the Maine primary having won already 1,121 delegates, compared with 481 won by Bernie Sanders, while 2,383 are required to achieve the Democratic Party nomination.

Clinton's count includes 458 super delegates, who may vote for any candidate, while Sanders' count includes only 22 super delegates.