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Mary Thomas mourns the passing of former First Lady Nancy Reagan


Tallahassee, FL -- Mary Thomas, conservative Republican candidate for Florida's Second Congressional District released the following statement today following the passing of First Lady Nancy Reagan.

"My husband John and I are saddened by the passing of Nancy Reagan the steadfast spouse of our political hero Ronald Reagan. Our prayers are with the Reagan family and with the millions of people around the world who live in freedom today thanks in part to Nancy's love and loyalty to President Reagan.

Without Nancy by his side, Ronald Reagan would never have been able to win the Cold War and deliver the Reagan Revolution. As we lay America's First Lady Nancy Reagan to rest this week, Americans and people all around the globe will reflect on the impact of the Reagan Legacy.

That legacy only becomes more important with every passing hour that our nation drifts further from Reagan's conservative principles. We cannot return to the Reagan era but we can learn from it and take the simple conservative blueprint of lower taxes, peace through strength and an understanding that our rights are granted by God, that Ronald and Nancy Reagan left for us. These are the principles that we should use to rebuild America and save the American Dream. That is what our campaign for Congressional District Two is all about."