(Text of Endorsement of Donald Trump by the President of
Indian-Americans for Trump 2016 at New
Jersey Conservative GOP Meeting)
We know that Donald J. Trump has a very good grasp of America’s
current problems and a plausible vision to solve them. Yet, he is not unique in
this regard. Obama demonstrated it as well when contesting for the presidency
in 2008. Nevertheless, he failed miserably when it came to making progress on
The question arises: why, in spite of understanding the
issues and their solutions, have presidents over the last 40 years failed to
make needed changes? Why could they not stall the decline of the American
economy, the increasing reliance on foreign goods, and dependence on foreign
transplants to provide for our consumption? Why they could not stop declining
wages of our labor force? Why has America not remained capable to
compete on a global scale so that we either produced or could pay for our
consumption? Why they could not bring on prosperity for Americans? Why they
could not stop the deterioration of American standard of living and quality of
Before going further, I must state a notable exception to
the above: the Reagan Administration, which jolted the American economy in the
1980s and 1990s by releasing for commercialization US government technologies that
resulted in the industries we know today as the Internet, cellular telephony,
GPS, and the dish antenna. It created more than 25 million American jobs and many
hundreds of millions of additional jobs worldwide. Unfortunately, it was a
one-time deal. We do not have those kind of magic gadgets in our chest anymore.
However, in general the reason why our presidents fail is
that they are not independent. The need to placate special interests impedes
the ability to manage our economy and policies closely allied to our economy,
such as trade and foreign policy, immigration and border control and even
health and domestic matters. For their political survival, they have to depend
on those who fund their elections and reelections: lobbyists, the donors and
contributors pulled their strings. Decisions have not been made because they
would be good for America,
voters back home, or even the party; they are made for self-interest: political
financing and the prospect of retiring as chief executives of their
The above is not a theoretical conjecture. It is a practical
reality whose proof is deep-rooted in America’s history. America had
been looked down upon by Europeans since its birth as a nation, but, it started
its transformation into the sole global superpower in the early 1900s when
President Theodore Roosevelt decided to stop corporate funding of political
elections. The rise of America
began and continued until about the 1960s—when America was at the top of the world
in production, income, exports, GDP, life expectancy, literacy, and any other
economic or social indicator devised to measure wellbeing of a society. America was the envy of the world: talents from
all over the world wanted to make America their home.
decline began in the mid-1970s. Its initiation can be traced to the enactment
in 1972 of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, and subsequent bills that
allowed money from corporations and special interest groups back into elections
for the sake of influencing their outcomes and to some extent maintain control
over politicians. Since then, laws, policies, and enforcement at all levels of
government have been guided by this money. Dependence on this money steadily
increased, as it became the cause and effect of making elections so expensive
in America.
This money has become the poison of our political system.
No serious presidential candidate since the mid-seventies,
belonging to either party at any level of government, has denied this money
except Donald Trump because he knows that it comes with conditions. Any
politician denying that her/his decisions are influenced by this money is
cheating either contributors or voters. This is why in spite of committing
egregiously illegal acts that brought on the collapse of American banking
system during 2008-2009, none went to prison.
Trump has a very good understanding of what ails America and has a vision that can bring America back to
its glorious past. American voters are not naïve. They understand the issues
and Trump’s vision resonates with theirs, and because of his determination to
keep the special interest groups out, they believe that as a successful
manager, with the help of experts and administrators, he will be able to
deliver on that vision and will indeed make America great again.
The Indian-Americans for Trump 2016 is a registered
PAC with FEC, formed by prominent Indian-American
professionals and community activists in January 2016 to help the election of
Donald Trump. The officers of the Indian-Americans for Trump 2016 urge all
Americans, specifically the Indian-Americans, to join in the effort, and support
Donald Trump in his endeavor to make America
great again by electing him the next President of the USA. They
request all Americans to become members of the Committee by contacting Dr. A.
D. Amar at
[email protected] or
Attorney Anand Ahuja at [email protected]
or Mr. Dave Makkar at [email protected]
or Hon. Vic Sordillo at [email protected].
Donald Trump—Best Hope to Make America Great Again