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FIACONA hosts Prayer Vigil on Capitol Hill


Washington, DC:  The Federation of Indian American Christian Organizations (FIACONA) held a Prayer Vigil across the US Capitol where Prime Minister Narendra  Modi was addressing the Joint Session of the US Congress.

The Vigil was organized to express concerns about the increased violence and harassment against Christians perpetrated by groups and people loyal to Mr. Modi and his party. 

The event was attended by representatives of different faiths and organizations in spite of efforts to restrict protests by other groups during Mr. Modi’s speech. 

Mr. John Christy, an active member of FIACONA gave the invocation. He also said, "It is the right time to let the world know that the Christian community in India is undergoing a very defining moment in its 2000 year old history". He said this is not the time to keep quiet. 

Mr. Prabhudoss, president of FIACONA said that the organization promotes cooperation between US and India. He said Prime Ministers come and go and so are the governments, in the long history of the Union of India. But the people of India and the US must come together despite these aberrations that take place in their respective leaderships from time to time.
FIACONA has welcomed the Prime Minister to the US when Mr. Modi was elected in 2014. But FIACONA made it very clear that it does not support the policies and attitudes of Mr. Modi's government. Mr. Modi has failed in his constitutional obligation to protect the lives and property of all citizens, including the Christians. Just repeating that they have an article in their holy book called the Constitution of India that protects the rights of different religious communities does not do any good unless they try to use that holy book sometimes. 

Even as Mr. Modi was traveling to the United States to deliver his prepared speech with talking points, a church was vandelized in the state of Karnataka. We wonder why? 

Mr. Mani, a representative from Maryland Indian Christian community stressed the point that Christians in North India suffer from aggression from radical Hindutva members, especially in remote villages. He further said Christians are stigmatized more and more lately because of the prevailing political climate. 

FIACONA considers Mr. Modi to be actively complicit in the ongoing violence because Mr. Modi so far has kept silent, giving rise to the perception that perhaps Mr Modi is not condemning the violence and harassment against Christians in India because he is tacitly supporting such violent campaign and harassment against Christians. If this is not to be true, then at least a "speaking Prime Minister" should speak about this serious problems too!
Mr. Prabhudoss pointed put that the fact that the White House is not hosting Mr. Modi for a State Banquet like the one which President Obama gave to Mr. Manmohan Singh speaks volumes by itself. Mr. Prabhudoss said, why else would the White House not host Mr. Modi for a State Dinner despite such demands from Mr. Modi's handlers? 

Ms. Ann Buwalda, director of Jubilee Campaign USA, shared how the situation for Christians and other minorities has gone from bad to worse in India since Modi’s coming to power. She explained that Mr. Modi cannot travel around telling world leaders that the government has religious freedom, referencing Article 25 in the Constitution, while his supporters are let loose to create mayhem in India against Christians. She gave the example of the forced conversion campaigns lead by BJP members, in an effort to re-convert minority members back to Hinduism, where the victims face threats and violence if they try and resist. Minority organizations also face discrimination through administrative restrictions on receiving foreign aid, being accused of using funds for "proselytizing Hindus," she said. 

Dr. Sam George, an author and a director of an organization that helps second generation Indians in America said, “Mr. Modi needs to realize that violence, harassments and attacks on religious minorities, perpetrated by Mr. Modi’s supporters only creates an image of India being extremist. This image is not good for long term economic and geopolitical interests of India”.   

Rev. Neal Christie of the General Board of Church and Society who gave the benediction said, we are all made from the same blood into many nations and people and that we are all brothers and sisters and we must respect each other. He prayed for the nation of India and peace in the region.