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Clinton says female senator qualified to be her VP


Washington, June 10 

US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said Senator Elizabeth Warren, a leader of the progressive wing in the Democratic Party, was qualified to be her running mate.

"I think she (Warren) is an incredible public servant, eminently qualified for any role," said Clinton in an interview with US daily Politico, reports Xinhua news agency.

"I look forward to working with her on behalf of not only the campaign and her very effective critique of Trump, but also on the issues that she and I both care about," said Clinton.

Politico reported that when asked if her rival Bernie Sanders had earned a place on the ticket, Clinton disagreed.

"His passion for the issues that he promoted has been good for the Democratic party and for the country," said Clinton. 

"I look forward to talking with him when our campaigns can find a time that works with both our schedules."

As the darling of the progressive wing of the party, Warren's endorsement, which was among the most sought-after ones in this Democratic primary season that had so far prioritized progressive agenda, was yet to be granted to any candidate.

However, Warren is scheduled to come off the sidelines and formally endorse Clinton.

US President Barack Obama also formally threw his support behind Clinton for president early on Thursday, declaring that he did not think there's "ever been someone so qualified to hold this office".