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AAPI president Dr. Ajay K. Lodha's statement about problems at the convention



AAPI is also grateful to the 2016 Convention Committee for the endless time and effort put into organizing a convention of that magnitude. However, AAPI received numerous complaints consisting of unforeseeable incidents which were beyond the custody and control of the Executive Committee. 

These incidents were caused by unauthorized members of Association whose goal was apparently not in the best interest of AAPI. As such, the Executive Committee has taken immediate action in establishing an Emergency AD HOC COMMITTEE to investigate each and every incident and or complaint and make appropriate recommendations to the Executive Committee for action within a reasonable period of time. Anybody who may have a complaint and or any information regarding the incidents, please do not hesitate to contact the AAPI Office at 630-990-2277, or Fax 630-990-2281.  All information provided during the course of the investigation shall be kept strictly confidential and the identities of the individuals assisting in the findings shall not be disclosed unless specifically agreed therein.

 Once again on behalf of newly appointed Executive Committee and BOT including the members of AAPI, please accept our sincere apologies. 

Thank you for your anticipated co-operation in this matter and looking forward for your co-operation as in the past. 


Ajay K. Lodha, MD