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Indian-Americans for Trump 2016 to maintain its strategy, double up efforts


WARREN – NJ, – At the proposal of Dr. A. D. Amar, President, at its weekend strategy sessions, the board of Indian-Americans for Trump 2016 considered the option to merge its campaign with the Trump for President organization. Mr. Vic Sordillo, Advisor to the Board, suggested Indian-Americans for Trump 2016 to operate the way it would best serve its charter to have Trump become the next president of USA. On deliberations, the board concluded that since the strategy to operate as an independent PAC has worked successfully for it in helping Donald J Trump win Republican nomination, it decided to maintain the status-quo.   

The educational and informational campaign of Indian-Americans for Trump 2016 will continue independently, however, Mr. Anand Ahuja, Vice President of Indian-Americans for Trump 2016 suggested to increase effort in direct personal contact with voters. The board agreed to approach the organizers of upcoming events and ask for their permission for the appearance and presentation by Indian-Americans for Trump 2016.  

Mr. Dave Makkar proposed an increased outreach to those voters who express their desire to be involved in the activities of Indian-Americans for Trump 2016. In response, the board agreed to create a structure that will facilitate engagement and initiative-taking by individuals desirous of volunteering to help Donald J Trump win the American presidency in November 2016. 

Indian-Americans for Trump 2016 is an FEC registered PAC, formed in January 2016, by prominent Indian-American professionals and community activists, to help the election of Donald J. Trump. The officers of the Indian-Americans for Trump 2016 urge all Americans, specifically the Indian-Americans, to join in the effort, and support Donald Trump in his endeavor to make America great again by electing him the next President of the USA. Interested individuals may contact Dr. A. D. Amar at [email protected] or Attorney Mr. Anand Ahuja at [email protected] or Mr. Dave Makkar at [email protected] or Mr. Vic Sordillo at [email protected]