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Moses presents Christian Bharatha Natyam



Dr. Babu Moses, a Long Island based leading physiotherapist and hypnotherapist presented a unique Christian Bharatha Natyam at Molloy College in Rockville Center in New York recently.

Student of dance masters -Sridhar Shanmugam, Satya Pradeep and Saavitri Ramanand - Dr. Moses, he narrated how Jesus when he came to this world as the God of Love experienced the same human emotions like humans and used them to strengthen his bondage. Human love is the most important emotional connection human beings create in the world.

Receiving the dance form as the divine gift from Hindu classical dance teachers, Babu Moses presented the program so that Christians can enjoy this divine art.  The dancer as the embodiment of beauty, charm, and grace is considered to be the worshipper of the God. Since the dance is physically challenging yet combined with beauty and grace only a few male dancers are courageous to become dancers.

Dr. Moses who is emotionally attached to the art form wrote the lyrics, composed music and sang the songs. He donated all the proceeds and ticket sales to charity work done by churches and nonprofit organizations

“This is the dedication of all my talents to Jesus Christ in Bharatha Natyam, the oldest Indian classical dance form. When I was a teenager I was haunted by the Indian classical music and dance that were dedicated to Hindu Gods. I had a burning desire to learn but I was prevented being a Christian in my home town of Vellore in Tamil Nadu and it created a burning desire to create a Christian arengetram (debut performance). My endeavor has now created the first Baratha Natyam program that focuses on Christ’s teachings, with the ancient roots of Indian classical dance and music,” he said.

The dance included emotions of Jesus’s mother Mary, Mary sister of Lazarus, the Samaritan woman, St. John and St. James during their experiences with Jesus.  King David’s songs are also included as he was the first one to write, compose, sing and dance for Almighty God.

The verses from psalm is taken where king David inspired and motived people to sing,  play various musical instrument and dance to praise the Lord, with soul and mind fullness. King David wrote, sang, composed the music and danced for the God.    

He commenced the invocation to God from the Psalms of King David that said:” Bless the Lord, O my soul! And all that is within me, bless His holy name.” He then performed Alarippu -an innocatory rhythmic dance, salutation to God, Gurus, and the audience.  The next item was Jesus kavithuvam and Pushpanjali a rhythmic song, written about the characteristics of Jesus, as stated by Jesus Himself.

He portrayed Mother Mary’s love for her son –Jesus-even before He was conceived in her. She was loving this divine Baby and was ecstatic throughout her pregnancy. At that time of this heavenly arrival, the world was struggling under injustice, domination, aggressive power, and enslavement.

In Varnam - a perfectly synchronized dance of Bhava (emotion), Raaga (melody) and thaala (rhytham) he glorified how Mary’s human love for Jesus transformed into divine love. When Jesus was in this world, He was the incarnation of Divine love that attracted the oppressed, sick and troubled who found Him as the charismatic leader, savior and liberator. He was a handsome, muscular man with well-defined physique.

The song in Ragam Sankarabaranam “Are you coming Jesus” was well performed and the next item in Saarukesi raagam was based on St. James epistle, brother of Jesus and the Biblical facts.  In the beginning there was word, air, united with water and earth, becoming music, and rhythm.  God, the supreme power was dancing to the rhythm creating spiritual beings called angels.  The angels excelled in music, dance and playing various musical instruments. God also created the first human being in His image, Adam and blessed him with a creative mind and a beautiful body to express

His dance item on ‘I am thirsty give me water’ narrated Jesus’ compassion and love.   Jesus encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well was portrayed in dance form.

The item based on Jesus final moment on the cross was narrated in dance form. St. John was the only one disciple who confidently and courageously followed Jesus till His last breath. He did not leave Jesus alone at the cruel hands of the mob, but helpless stood by Jesus side. “Father forgive them; They do not know what they are doing.”

In the final item of thillana, a dance item of exuberant joy with intricate rhythmic variations, he explained Jesus statement clearly on the power of the prayer.