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Trump says in next debate with Clinton he will 'hit her harder'


Washington, Sep 28 

 US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump expressed his satisfaction on Tuesday about his performance in the first debate against Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, and said he will "hit her harder" in their next encounter.

"I thought it went really well. I had some hostile questions. That was okay. It was the debate of debates," EFE news quoted Trump as saying on the television program "Fox & Friends".

Asked if he will change anything in his next debate with Clinton, to be held on October 9 in St. Louis, Missouri, Trump answered that "I may hit her harder in certain ways".

"(Yesterday) I really eased up because I didn't want to hurt anybody's feelings."

Trump said that when Clinton pounced on the magnate's tendency to insult women, he felt like bringing up "the transgressions of Bill", a reference to former US President Bill Clinton's extra-marital adventures.

But he didn't do it, he said, because "I didn't wanna say what I was going to say with Chelsea in the room".

The real-estate magnate said he was proud of having spoken swift and strong in the debate about illegal immigration, the police, law and order, business and jobs, because those are the things he thinks must be dealt with for the good of the country.

He also protested on Twitter that moderator Lester Holt asked Clinton "nothing on e-mails. Nothing on the corrupt Clinton Foundation. And nothing on #Benghazi" where four Americans were killed in that Libyan city in 2012 while she was Secretary of State.

The Republican candidate also complained that he had problems with the microphone, which he blamed for the noise when he spoke that made him sound like he was sniffling with a cold.

"I had a problem with my mic that didn't work, I wonder if it was set up on purpose. In the room they couldn't hear me, not exactly great...I wonder if it was set up that way," EFE news quoted him as saying.

The two candidates faced off against each other at Hofstra University on Long Island, New York, exchanging attacks for 1 1/2 hours on matters of the economy, racism, trade policies and foreign affairs.

Clinton satisfied about debate, rejects Trump complaints

US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton expressed her satisfaction on Tuesday with the results of the debate the night before, while rejecting the complaints of her Republican rival, Donald Trump, about alleged problems with his microphone.

"Anyone who complains about the microphone is not having a good night," EFE news quoted Clinton as saying in response to the protests voiced by Trump, who after the debate said he had problems with his mic.

In a statement to reporters on her campaign aircraft, the former Secretary of State said that the debate served to demonstrate "some very clear differences between us", for example in everything to do with "temperament and fitness and qualification to hold the most important, the hardest job in the world".

Clinton said the debate gave viewers the chance to compare their policies as she laid out her "plan for strong growth and fair growth and dealing with family economic issues like affordable childcare and paid family leave and debt-free college -- with no real response, no real offer coming from my opponent".

As for Trump, she said that "on several occasions he was making charges and claims that were demonstrably untrue" and was "offering opinions that I think a lot of people would find offensive and off-putting".

Among other things, Clinton criticised on Tuesday the tax cuts promised by her adversary that she said would "explode" the national deficit and debt and would be a giant gift for the richest Americans, including his own family.

She also slammed Trump for having said in the past that "climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese".

Asked if she was afraid that Trump would come on with a more aggressive tone in the next debate, something the Republican threatened on Tuesday, she indicated that he can run whatever kind of campaign he wants, but said that she would continue to outline her plans for the nation.