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Indian-American PAC cautions voters of the conspiracy of the billionaires who don’t want change


WARREN – NJ, October 8, 2016 – The October bombshells, such as the ones that surprisingly appeared in the mailboxes of reporters, are not just serendipity. These we believe to be well-planned, well-scheduled plugins with a purpose to influence the election. The news headlines are ordered to favor a certain candidate. The question is but, why?  

It had been well known that most American media is liberal, that not just preaches more globalism but feels guilty to state anything that could be construed as Americanism. However, over the last decade or so, because of the economic troubles at many American media houses, the control at them has shifted from the professional, neutral journalists to the billionaires who have made their riches going against Americanism, such as of the New York Times to the Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim who is the world’s fourth richest man, and the Washington Post to the aggressive, ambitious Jeff Bezos, the fifth richest man of the world who owns the Washington Post. 

By capitalism, firms operate to maximize the wealth of their owners. When New York Times unabashedly lists its owner as Carlos Slim who has made his riches because of the NAFTA, then we do not have to think deep to understand why things at the New York Times are happening to put down Donald Trump. When the people at the Washington Post know that Jeff Bezos’ goal is to operate in the whole world, they know what to do. These are not just two isolated examples. When we look at the Forbes’ list of the topmost billionaires, we learn that, at some stage of this presidential election, each of them has openly condemned Donald Trump’s message of Americanism because it goes against their financial interests. They also abhor the concept of money not controlling politics. That is why there is no talk of independent media, or of  Americanism. 

The question is would America ever do what is good for the Americans, who now make a historically larger part of the world’s poor, the sick, and the less educated? The billionaires have not just taken over the wealth; they now also have taken control of the minds, the thinking of the hard working middleclass American voters. They do not want to change the status-quo that has made things worse in America over the last 45 years. Now you know why Sanders connected so well with the American youth and Trump’s message resounds in the plains and mountains of America like never before.  Stay vigilant.

Indian-Americans for Trump 2016 are an FEC registered PAC, formed in January 2016, by prominent Indian-American professionals and community activists, to help the election of Donald J. Trump. The officers of the Indian-Americans for Trump 2016 urge all Americans, specifically the Indian-Americans, to join in the effort, and support Donald Trump in his endeavor to make America great again by electing him the next President of the USA. Interested individuals may contact Dr. A. D. Amar at [email protected] or Attorney Mr. Anand Ahuja at [email protected] or Mr. Dave Makkar at [email protected] or Mr. Vic Sordillo at [email protected]