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Trump's campaign chief admits mogul's 'behind' Clinton in the polls


Washington, Oct 24: US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's campaign director Kellyanne Conway said on Sunday that "this election doesn't feel over", although she admitted that "we are behind" the real-estate magnate's Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.

Clinton "has some advantages," EFE news quoted Conway as telling to NBC's "Meet the Press", including "$66 million in ad buys just in the month of September, ... doubling her ad buys from August. ... She has a former President, who happens to be her husband (Bill Clinton), campaigning for her. The current President and First Lady (Barack and Michelle Obama), Vice President (Joe Biden), all much more popular than she can hope to be."

Conway said on the circuit of Sunday morning political discussion programmes that many media outlets say that a win by Clinton is virtually a foregone conclusion.

Because of Clinton's advantages, Conway said, Trump will invest more resources in the states considered to be crucial in winning the November 8 election, including Florida, Ohio, Iowa, North Carolina and Nevada.

She said that the campaign was not going to give up, adding that Trump can still win the election, despite being behind in the polls at present.

In all those key states, except Ohio, Clinton is ahead of Trump, but Conway said that the race is still close enough that it could turn in Trump's favour in the next two weeks.

Trump has redoubled his campaign efforts and in the coming days he will kick things up a notch with up to three rallies or other events per day in those states.

Between Sunday and Tuesday, the GOP candidate is scheduled to hold five rallies in Florida, the first one to take place on Sunday evening in the southwestern coastal city of Naples.