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Trump slams media for inciting protests


New York, Nov 11: Donald Trump blasted the media in his most aggressive tweet yet since he was elected the US President, alleging that the people protesting his victory were "incited by the media",

"Just had a very open and successful presidential election," he tweeted late Thursday. 

"Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair!"

Thousands of protesters have taken to the streets in major cities across the US since Trump defeated Democrat Hillary Clinton on Tuesday night, with the slogan "Not my President", Politico reported.

Earlier Thursday, Trump's campaign manager Kellyanne Conway called on Clinton and President Barack Obama to speak out against some protesters' calls for violence.

"Not cool. @POTUS or Hillary should address," she tweeted, linking to a story headlined "People Have to Die': Anti-Trump Protester Calls For Violence on CNN."

In a subsequent interview with Fox News , Conway said demonstrators should "take their cues" from Obama and former President Bill Clinton, who she said had a "warm conversation" with Trump on Thursday.

As for Trump, she said, "I know he's fully capable of being the president of all Americans and he's promised to do that."

She added: "But I would say to these protesters -- who are burning his image, and who have all nasty signs, ‘not my president' -- can you imagine if Hillary Clinton had been elected, which I imagine they were all expecting, and the Trump protesters were saying 'not my president' about President Obama? That's all you would hear."

Conway also said people should have some "self-reflection" and realise that even if Trump is willing to work with people who don't agree with him, he will "be a tough leader".

"He got elected on certain issues and you can expect him to tackle that very quickly in his administration," Conway said.

On social media, some liberals have used the hashtag #NotMyPresident to express their rejection of Trump's victory, Politico said. 

Since Tuesday, thousands of demonstrators, including immigration rights and environmental activists, have protested in cities like Boston, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., in front of the Trump International Hotel.

Although the demonstrations have mostly been peaceful, some protesters burned flags and effigies of Trump, and at least 124 people were arrested, charged with vandalism and assault on officers.