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Sarah Palin under consideration for Veterans Affairs Secretary


Washington, Dec 1 

Former Governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin is under consideration for Secretary of Veterans Affairs, media reports said.

President-elect Donald Trump's transition team has been in touch with Palin, raising the possibility that it could consider her for the post, NBC reported.

Palin's son-in-law and Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer, posted a video to his Facebook page earlier this week that heavily focuses on Palin's work with veterans and her specific connection to the community. Her eldest son, Track, is a veteran who served in Iraq in 2008. 

Palin served as Alaska's governor from 2006 to 2009 and was Sen. John McCain's running mate in his 2008 presidential bid.

On the campaign trail, President-elect Donald Trump repeatedly pledged to take better care of veterans if he won the presidency.

Meanwhile, Trump has chosen Steven Mnuchin as Secretary of Treasury and Wilbur Ross as Secretary of Commerce. 

Trump said he intends to nominate Todd Ricketts, a co-owner of Chicago Cubs baseball franchise, for the position of Deputy Commerce Secretary.