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Republican Hindu Coalition’s Shalli Kumar in Trump transition team


WASHINGTON, DC – The architects of the historic Abki bar Trump Sarkar campaign, which turned over 850,000 Hindu votes from Democrat to Republican in the weeks leading up to the election, are gaining influence in the developing Trump administration.

Steve Mnuchin, who served as National Finance Chair for the Trump campaign, has been nominated to be Secretary of the Treasury; Shalabh “Shalli” Kumar has been appointed to the Transition Finance and Inauguration teams.  Kumar and Mnuchin met with Mr. Trump in July at Mr. Mnuchin’s home in Southampton, NY, where Kumar discussed his vision for the Abki bar campaign, and Mr. Trump agreed to participate.

Mnuchin and Kumar collaborated on the Republican Hindu Coalition’s Humanity United Against Terror event in New Jersey on October 15, and on other events during the campaign, including a meet and greet between Donald Trump and Hindu leaders in Orlando just days before the election, as well as a visit by Eric Trump to a Hindu Temple.

As a member of the transition team, Mr. Kumar will review nominees for the administration and provide input to the President-elect and his team.  He will also help organize events and celebrations surrounding the President’s inauguration on January 20, 2017.

“I am honored to accept these positions with the transition team and the inauguration committee,” said Mr. Kumar in a statement. “And I wish to congratulate my dear friend, Steve Mnuchin, on his nomination as Treasury Secretary. Without Steve’s key support and assistance, the Abki bar Trump Sarkar campaign would not have gotten off the ground. Thanks to what we did together, Trump received a net gain of 1.7 million Hindu votes. I am looking forward to rolling up my sleeves and working together with Steve and the other members of the Trump administration to Make America Great Again.”