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Thousands of women to march today in Washington to protest Trump's agenda


Washington, Jan 21
A day after Donald Trump's inauguration, tens of thousands of women are to descend on Washington for the Women's March to protest his agenda and rhetoric and demand their voices be heard by the new administration.

Buses and planes of protesters arrived in the nation's capital on Friday night and on Saturday morning.

The Women's March on Washington features speakers, celebrity appearances and a protest walk along the National Mall.

On Friday, planeloads of women, many toting signs or wearing "pussy hats" (meant to recall - and reclaim - the infamous x-rated reference in Trump's videotaped brag about being able to grab women by their genitals without their consent) flooded into the nation's capitol in preparation for the festivities, reported

The women participating have plenty to complain about - from his admitted sexual misconduct, to the many sexual assault allegations against him that he's denied, to the serious threats to women's health and reproductive rights that experts expect based on his threatened defunding of Planned Parenthood and appointment of conservative Supreme Court justices, said vox.

Some of the protesters see the march as a sharp repudiation of Trump's history of offensive and misogynistic comments before he entered presidential politics.

Several hundred marches are planned around the US and world.

One Friday night in Brussels women gathered with candles for a "Lights for Rights" rally to show opposition to Trump.

The march comes a day after the nation's capital was rocked by violent protests against Trump, with activists smashing windows, setting vehicles on fire and fighting with police.

Leaders and activists from hundreds of left-leaning groups are joining the march, including the NAACP, Planned Parenthood, the American Federation of Teachers, as well as pro-immigrant and pro-environment groups.

The march has also drawn thousands of women from different backgrounds who simply hope to show their solidarity against Trump.