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Tribute to Gandhiji on his 69th death anniversary in Dallas, TX


Dallas, TX: Several community members gathered to pay their respects and floral tribute to Gandhiji on January 30th at the Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Plaza, Irving, TX the largest Gandhi memorial in the USA.

Dr. Prasad Thotakura, Chairman, Mahatma Gandhi Memorial of North Texas (MGMNT), appreciated the community for their participation to pay homage to Mahatma Gandhi. He emphasized that this is the day to recollect and remember the hard work of Gandhiji to free India from the colonial British rule. 69 years ago, Gandhiji was fallen to the bullets of an evil spirited man but his principles and teachings are always way high up and breeze all over the world for ever. Gandhiji’s value foundations of society – Truth, Nonviolence, Love, Compassion, Respect and Equality are ever applicable and anywhere.

MGMNT Board of Directors and community leaders like Shabnam Modgil, John Hammond, Jack Godhwani, Kamal Kaushal, BN, Kiran, Sury, Hemanth, Viswanadham, Rajani & Ranna Jani along with other community members paid rich floral tribute to Gandhiji by remembering him as an inspiration to many world leaders to start civil right movements in many continents and he belongs to the whole world not only just for India.

Dr. Prasad Thotakura, MGMNT Chairman in his closing remarks - thanked the city of Irving, donors of the project and community members who made this Gandhi Memorial as the largest Gandhi Memorial in the USA. The program ended with all gathered reciting the favorite bhajan of Mahatma Gandhiji --- Raghupati Raghava Raja Raam ….