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Trump named in 52 lawsuits since inauguration


Washington, Feb 4
US President Donald Trump has been named in more than 50 lawsuits since taking the oath of office, media reports said.

According to the Administrative Office of the United States Courts, since being sworn in on January 20, Trump has been named in 52 federal cases in 17 different states, NBC news reported.

Comparatively, Barack Obama was named in three and George W. Bush and Bill Clinton were each named in four cases between January 20 and February 1.

Trump is facing a wave of legal challenges for his two controversial executive orders that focus on immigrants from Muslim-majority nations or immigrants who entered the US illegally. They also will have to battle a lawsuit over Trump's possible conflicts related to his business holdings.

The suits filed against Trump include one by The Council on American Islamic Relations, alleging discrimination against Muslims while another was filed on behalf of several travellers trapped at a Washington airport, who are being barred from travelling.

The Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington also sued the President, claiming he violated the Constitution's Emoluments Clause -- which bars him from accepting valuable gifts from foreign leaders -- the second he took office. His countless business deals could be counted as valuables, the group argued in the lawsuit.

Other suits alleged that Trump's business career poses dangerous conflicts of interest to the US.