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'This guy is a fraud', Sanders on Trump


Washington, Feb 6: Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders called US President Donald Trump a "fraud" and accused him of falling short of commitments to middle-class voters, pointing to his Cabinet and senior advisers' ties to Wall Street, the media reported.

"This guy is a fraud," Sanders, also a former presidential hopeful, told CNN on Sunday.

"This guy ran for President of the United States saying, 'I, Donald Trump, I'm going to take on Wall Street -- these guys are getting away with murder'. Then suddenly, he appoints all these billionaires," Sanders said.

Trump selected Steve Mnuchin, a former Goldman Sachs trader and hedge fund manager, as his treasury secretary nominee; Wilbur Ross, a billionaire and former banker, to lead the Commerce Department; and Gary Cohn, a top Goldman Sachs executive, to lead his National Economic Council.

Sanders said Trump's Cabinet appointments and advisers directly contradict his pledge to re-institute the Glass-Steagall Act, a regulation that separated commercial and investment banks, which was repealed under former President Bill Clinton.

Trump signed an executive order on February 3 that sets the stage for rewriting US financial regulation in an effort to encourage more lending to American businesses.

"He is a good showman, I will give you that -- he is a good TV guy," Sanders said of Trump.

"But I think he is going to sell out the middle class, the working class, of this country."