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Trump raps Nordstrom for dropping daughter's clothing line


New York, Feb 9
US President Donald Trump on Wednesday lashed out on Twitter at department store Nordstrom over its decision to stop carrying Ivanka Trump products.

"My daughter Ivanka has been treated so unfairly by @Nordstrom. She is a great person -- always pushing me to do the right thing! Terrible!," Trump tweeted.

"The social media missive adds to a cloud of confusion swirling around the Trump administration about how the family's business interests are colliding with Trump's job at the White House," The Washington Post reported.

Trump's press secretary Sean Spicer defended Trump's tweet and said that Trump "has every right to stand up for his family and applaud their business activities, their success."

Spicer also said, "This is a direct attack on his policies and her name."

Nordstrom did not immediately respond but the company had previously said its decision to stop carrying Ivanka Trump goods was based on sales results, not politics.